chapter twenty- three

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I decided to go visit my mom, finally. I agreed to let her help me get ready from some fancy gathering Mike Wheeler had Invited me to - something about the opening of his father’s new building. Neil moved back to California after the death of Billy. It left my mom in a terrible state, she could barely take care of herself, she didn’t need to worry about caring for another person. So, I decided to stay at Claudia’s for a little while longer. “ When will you be back home..permanently. ? “, She asked, gently applying eyeshadow to my eyelids. “ I’ll come back when you’re better. I promise, okay ? “

Her face fell out of disappointment, “ Okay. I’ll work on it.” I smiled sympathetically, “ Thank you. “

She nodded, sighing through her nose, “ Could you just stay the weekend ? I’ve been so lonely. I’ll even clean the place up while you’re gone, and you could invite a friend over if you want. “

“ I’ll think about it,  mom. “

“ Okay. Um, I finished your makeup. “, She said with a small frown. It ate me up inside seeing her like this, I wanted nothing more than for her to be happy, but she needed to work on herself first. She was in no place to care for me, why couldn’t she see that ? I stood in the mirror, looking at myself. I wore a nude color eyeshadow that had tiny specs of gold glitter.

You could barely see it, but it still brought out my eyes. My silk ginger hair was thrown into a half up half down, a few strands left out to frame my face. Even though it was a kiddish hairstyle for someone my age to wear, my mom still managed to make it look good on me. I wore a plain black lovely dress that reached right under my knees, it was also the only one I agreed to wear. “ My beautiful girl.”, My mom uttered, lightly combing her fingers threw the ends of my hair.

I waited on the couch, impatiently swinging my feet back and forth. I wished mom would start the car already. “ Maxine, you are not wearing converse with a dress. “ I groaned, throwing my head back, “ Why not ?! “ She crossed her arms, “ Because you’re going to a fancy gathering, and it isn’t very lady-like. “

I huffed, “ What if I don’t want to be ‘ lady-like ‘ ? There’s nothing wrong with wearing shoes with a dress, plus, heels hurt my feet anyway.“

She sucked in a sharp breath, “ Go get in the car. “

My mouth fell agape as I walked into the gala

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My mouth fell agape as I walked into the gala. I felt so undressed now that I got a look at everyone else. I knew the Wheeler family had always had money, but I didn’t know they were this rich. There was a large stained glass skylight right in the middle of the ceiling, causing bright coloring to shine into the building.

The floors were made of natural stone, and- is that Mr.Wheeler made out of ice ?  “ Max ! “ I raised my brow, “ Micheal. “, I spoke as if I wasn’t too happy to see him. He rolled his eyes, “ What’s with the attitude, mphm ? You could at least thank me for inviting you. “

" Why did you invite me, Mike ? " He shifted to his side, " I just want to apologize alright." I chuckled, " Too me ? Please, you and your bullies never really got to me. You should be apologizing to Dustin, and Will, but I'm sure you've already done that. " He called out to me as I walked away, " Wait what do you mean by ' already ' ?! "

I ignored the boy making my way to the chocolate fountain. " This is good. ", I mumbled to myself, biting into the chocolate cover strawberry. " Max, you look... pretty. "  I don't know why exactly, but I was shocked by the sudden presence of Jane Hopper. Her compliment caused heat to rush to my body, " Thanks, Jane. Oh, you look beautiful. "

Keep it together, Max.

She did a twirl in her sparking dress, " You like ?! ", She beamed. " Yeah, of course. I love it. "

Oh don't you dare look back.
Just keep your eyes on me.
I said you're holding back.

She clapped her hands together out of excitement, " I love this song, don't you ?! " I struggled to form words, still memorized by her beauty, " Um, yeah. " Her hand gently wrapped around my wrist, " You have to dance with me ! "

Jane dragged me onto the dance floor, were most people seemed to be. Her body swayed side to side, her dress flowing along with her. Jane danced without a care in the world, and her hair began to fall out of place - though, I'm sure she didn't care, and I didn't mind one bit.

A backless dress and some beat up sneaks.
My discotheque Juliet teenage dream.
I felt it in my chest as she looked at me.
I knew we were bound to be together,
bound to be together.

" Oh, come on ! Max, I know you can dance better than that. ", She stated, watching me nod to the music lamely. She let out a giggle, and it was most definitely better than the music itself. " Jane, I suck at dancing. ", I told. She mocked the pout on my face, rolling her eyes, " Shut up and dance with me ! "

She definitely timed that.

Oh, c'mon girl
Deep in her eyes,
I think I see the future
I realize this is my last chance.

She finally convinced me to dance freely along side her, making a fool of ourselves. Soon we were in a circle with the party members and a few other teens from school cheering us on.

Oh shut up and dance
with me !

The song finally ended, me and Jane panting as we ran out of breath. " Yeah, yeah, mhm. That's my sister ! ", I heard Dustin sing, making my heart swell at his words. Jane turned to me, a large grin on her face.

" Do  you..wanna get outta here for a bit ? "

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