chapter three.

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September 17th, 2014.

a groan escaped my lips, my eyes scaming across the hospital as i sat awake. " you're awake. ", my mom beamed.

i hated hospitals.

" what happened ? ", i questioned, licking my lips. " you had a very bad fever, is all. ", she told rubbing my hand, gently. my eyes traveling down to the IV imported into my arm.

" you let them stick needles into me ? mom, you know i'm terrified of needles. ", i whined. she pursed her lips together, " they had to, maxine, you needed it. " i let out a sigh, " when can we go home ? "

" you'll have to wait, they need to make sure your fever went down. ", she assured. " oh, alright. "

everything sounded so much louder.


my mother and i walk into the house, billy and neil were taking over the couch, the both of them eating TV dinners and watching a football game.

i noticed that the sink was filled with dishes, lazy pigs, why must they leave everything for my mom to clean ? " you keep her away from me now, susan. god knows what diseases she's carrying around. ", neil spoke, pointing a finger at me, with a chuckle.

" she's not carrying any diseases, it was just a fever, neil. ", she said, while i mumbled underneath my breath. " she has to be carrying some type of disease, you don't pass out from fevers. ", billy butts in.

god, he makes my eye twitch. " it's possible, do you ever pay attention in school, billy ?", i scoffed.

i stumped up the stairs, stepping into my room. i begin to change out of my clothes from yesterday, standing in front of my mirror, i noticed something -

" when did i become so fit ? ", i think, out loud. abs started to from along the lines of my abdomen. are those workouts finally paying off ?

yeah, but it doesn't randomly happen over night.

i grabbed my clothes, dragging myself into the bathroom. going to pull away from the shower curtain i felt my hand stick. " what the actual fuck. ", i say to myself, shaking my hand aggressively, moving the curtain along with it.

" maxine, is everything okay up there ? ", i heard my mom say, she must of heard me clashing around in the bathroom. " yeah, i'm okay mom ! "

" get the fuck off of me. ", i shouted in a whisper like tone. i hanked my hand back. the curtain fell to the ground, the pole that held it up falling along with it.

" maxine ?! "

" i dropped the shampoo ! "

what the hell is happening ?!


" i heard maxine overdosed last night. '"

" who mayfiled ? "

" mhm. "

" how do you know it was an overdose, you can pass out different ways ?! "

" do you think is i ask him out he'll say yes ? "

" OMG, yes, he definitely like you ! "

" God, she's hot, i would definitely tap that."

" me too, bro. "

so loud, everything was extremely loud as i stepped into hawkins high. i could hear conversations going on in the cafeteria, like i was the one being spoken to.

what was wrong with me ?

i cuffed my hands around my ears, pushing my way towards the girls restrooms - right now i just wanted to tune out the world.

with my hands trembling , i gripped the edges of the sink, keeping myself steady. my mouth ran dry as my breathing shortened. it hurt, like someone was squeezing the life out my lungs.

someone was coming.

i felt her presence behind me right before her honeysuckle voice reached my ears, her slender fingers intertwining with mine.

" max, "

her smell, it was soothing in a way. she smelled of fresh waffles with strawberries, and maple syrup. it sent a small wave of calmness my way.

" is everything okay ? "

i finally turn around to face her, blinking slowly, coming out my trance. " is everything okay ? ", she repeated, with a worried look.

" jane, it hurts. ", my voice came out quieter than usual. " what hurts ? ", she questioned.

" everything. ", i mumbled, looking down at her. i felt her arms around my abdomen , it made my knees buckle slightly.

i placed my head on her shoulder, breathing in her scent some more. " you smell nice. ", i complimented. a giggle erupted from her throat, " thank you. "

my body tingled from her soft touch, i haven't had a hug from her in so long. " now, let's get to class before we're late. "

i really needed to get over my crush.

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