chapter four.

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September 17th, 2014.

" why did you tell people at school i overdosed ?! ", i shouted at billy, slamming the door to the car. " i told them you passed out. ", he replied with boredom, his engine roaring.

i felt myself grow angry, " why did you tell anyone anything ?! people start rumors and those rumors spread , god, you have to be the stu- " a popping  sound echoed through the car, i felt a stinging sensation where billy had just slapped me.

he looked at me with the look of guilt, full of regret. i got the same look each time he's laid his hands on me, he definitely didn't regret it.

" i had enough of your shit. ", he stated, avoiding eye contact with me.

the pain went away quicker than usual, but maybe i was just immune to it - even so, it still pissed me off. 


" get the fuck out my sight ! "

  i stormed up to my room, listening billy shout at me. i wanted to shout back, but the best thing to do was just keep my mouth shut.

i was tried of his shit.

he was such an asshole

i wish he'd just die already.

  a crack ran up the pale blue wall as i sent a harsh punch towards it. i let out a scoff, not phased my strength. werid shit has been happening for the past two days, i'm sure this just came along with it.

what if i'm cursed ? even since i was bit -

" ever since i was bit by that spider. ", i say, out loud, my brain began to put two and two together.


i pulled the laptop out of my nightstand drawer, deciding to do some research on spiders.

i found ....

absolutely nothing.

there are hundreds of thousands of spider in the world, yet mine has never been discovered. perhaps it was a new species.

  i still continued to do research on spiders, until i came across a comic book web page." peter parker, bitten by a radioactive spider."

  the comic had me at the edge of my chair, as i came more invested. a thought popped into my head -

what if

i scoffed.

" don't be oblivious, maxine. peter parker is a fictional character, written by some dweeb on the internet - and there are no such things as radioactive spid- "

my eyes went wide, a web like substance shot out my arm, as i through them in the air out of disbelief.


" ....maybe they do. "

i can't tell is this is a curse or a blessing.

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