chapter thirteen.

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September 29th, 2014

Later that night I went to the corner store to restock up on snacks. The least I can do was help out a little bit, since Mrs.Henderson had been letting me stay in her home. I struggled to get the bag of skittles out of the vending machine, rocking it back and forth. From the corner of my eye I could see the cashier watching me struggle.

" Hey, you're machine's broken ! ", I spat sourly. " Missed the part where that's my problem. ", He sneered.


A another customer walked into the store. He looked pretty skeptical, but I ignored the tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach." Just a pack of cigars, please. ", He told the cashier. He glanced back at me, the best I could do was give him a nervous smile.

" And what's ever in the cash register. ", He order the cashier, a pistol held between his eyes. The rubber began to stuff all the money he could possible fit in the bag, throwing me a ten as he left out the door.

The cashier glared coldly at me, " What's wrong with you ? You could've called the police or something. "

I gave him this mischievous grin, " I missed the part were that's my problem. "

Walking back to the Henderson house, I came across a large horde of people. Without think I pushed push through the crowd. My heat dropped at the sight, my head began to spin. " You can't - "

" That's my brother! " I choked, ignoring the officer's pleads for me to stop. I dropped to his side. My voice was shaky and unclear,  " Billy, Billy. " 

Hot tears streamed down his face, and he squeezed his eyelids shut, hopping this nightmare of his would end. " Max. ", His breathing was choppy as he called out my name. I held his cold hand in mine, " I'm here, Billy. "

" Max, I'm sorry. "

I felt his hand go limp in mine, his body laid there left unmoving. I was still desperate to find any flicker of life or hope left for my brother. Instead I was left with nothing. He was gone, stolen from me, and I was desperate for revenge.

" They got the shooter. He's headed south on 5th avenue, we got three cars in pursuit. "

I slowly stood to my feet, my hands bawled into fist. I was filled with regret, anger, and guilt. My eyes where clouded over with tears. I ignored the calls of Will Bryer's, who stood in the crowd aswell.

" Max ! Max ! "

I continued to walk, determined to find the man who had killed Billy.

I was nervous or even hesitant to use my powers, while I swung through the city, a hood pulled over my face. I stayed out of sight, following behind the police cars who had been chasing the car jacker.

He managed to get further way from the officer's, taking a sharp right, he crashed into a barrier right infront of a ran down abandoned house.

I was inside, patiently as he stumbled his way in. " Who's there ?! ", He had heard the floor creaking from each step I took. I stuck a web to the ceiling, pulling myself up before he could turn around to face me.

The sound of his gun cocking echoed throughout the house, " Come on man, this ain't funny ! "

He turns to face an old dusted glassed mirror. Within the sped of light a I kicked him into it, shards of glass cutting at his wrinkled skin. I continued to beat the life out the man, knocking the gun out his hand.

" Stop, stop ! Give me a chance, please. ", He begged, choking down the blood that sat on the tongue of his mouth.

I pulled down my hood, letting him get a good looks at my face, he seemed to recognize me for a spilt moment. " Please. ", He cried. I looked down at him with a smile, it was the kind that betrayed innocence

Pure evil. 

" What about my brother, did you give him a chance ? "

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