chapter twenty.

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November 3, 2014

" You really expect me to believe you were saved by a vilgtante ? " I let out a huff of frustration, chasing behind Nancy in the empty halls. " I'm serious, Nance ! This could be good for the papers. "

" And she wasn't a vilgtante ! "

" Jane, they are not going to believe you. You need hardcore proof. ", She told. I stammered," But...Will, he was there ! " She folded her arms over her chest, " Come back to me once you have hadcore proof. "

" But - "

" Ah, ah, ah, hardcore proof. "

Fine, you want proof,
I'll get you proof.

" I need your guys help ! " Dustin and I listened to Jane on speaker phone

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" I need your guys help ! " Dustin and I listened to Jane on speaker phone. She went on a ramble about her superhero  from yesterday, aka me. Dustin held up his thumb, smiling at me proudly. " And you want us to get a picture of this lady hero ? ", Dustin asked.

Jane needed a picture for the paper, since Nance demanded hardcore proof, so they wouldn't make a fool of themselves. " Yes, yes ! I told the others, we can get the whole group back together, for a bit. It's been awhile since we all hung out. "

" Yeah, that sounds nice, Jane. ", I agreed. I thought her idea was great, if I was on the papers, the public would know more about me.

But how was this all going to work ?

" Great, so, see you guys at six ? " 

We had spent the last two hours searching for

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We had spent the last two hours searching for...well me. I had been paried up with Lucas - there was alot awkward tension in the air. He cleared his throat breaking the silence, " So, you and Jane. "

" What about us ? " I shined my flashlight into his face. " Are you two a thing ? ", He retorted bluntly, squinting his eye. My face flushed, " What...what made you think that ? "

" Isn't that why we broke up, because your feelings for Jane ? ", He automatically assumed. How did he manage to know that ?

" Could you please get that flashlight our of my face ? "

" Oh, sorry. ", I apologized, continuing to walk ahead of him. " So, can you answer my question now ? " I sighed, " Yes, but ... I don't know if Jane is even into girls. "

Why was he so worried about it anyways, did he know something I didn't ?

" Well, you wouldn't know if you don't make a move. ", He added. " You aren't upset or anything, right ? I mean, since Jane is you're best friend, and I'm you - "

He let out a breathy laugh, " What, no. Jane is my best friend and If she does like you, I'll support her. I support you as well, don't I ? "

" You do ?  "

" Yeah, I love you, Max. Friends or not. ", He informed me.  " Aw, I love you too, man. ", I said, ' lightly ' punching his shoulder. He groaned," Since when did you get so strong ? "

And it seems like I can't fully control my strength, great.

" I'm sorry. ", I smiled sheepishly. He rubbed his shoulder in pain, " It's alright, no hard feelings. "

I turned to him, going back to the Jane subject." How do I know if Jane likes me ? " He shrugged, " I mean, I thought you guys always liked eachother. There was always this tension between you two, since, like middle school. "

" But to find out if she really likes you, you'll have to ask her herself. I'm not a psychic, you know ? "

Ask her myself ? I am I supposed to do that, my knees grow weak everytime she looks at me.

" Right. ", I nodded.

Did she even remember our
kiss from that night ?

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