chapter seventeen.

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November 1, 2014

The cool breeze of light rain hit my face. I glanced to the sky, a gloomy overcast laid above Hawkins city's landscape, it seemed to comfort my soul and brought an ease to my earlier stresses. I traveled around the city, letting myself breathe in some fresh air. Hopper kept complaining about the F I had in Biology, and I left before he could star complaining again. Though, this would end with me getting a long lecture once I got home.

I stopped in my tracks, seeing the familiar ginger hair that belonged Maxine herself. My brows furrowed, I watched as she fought against the wind - as if she was training for something.

She must of felt me staring from afar, she turned waving down at me. I waved back, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. ' Wait there. ' My eyes scanned over the text from Max, and before I could reply, she was already at my side. " Hi ! ", I noticed how energized she was by the way she bounced her foot rapidly.

" Hey ", I greeted back.

" So, what are you doing out here ?! ", She chimed. " I'm just going for a walk. " Her bright blue eyes crinkled at the edges and the corner of her lips turned upwards.

She could capture joy with that beautiful smile of hers," Ugh, boring. Let's go get something to eat." I tried to contain myself from fainting, " Sure. "

Is she asking me on a date ? Wait, don't over think it. She's your friend, Jane. She's not asking you out.

I let out a laugh, " Max, Ice cream isn't food

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I let out a laugh, " Max, Ice cream isn't food." She shook her head in disagreement, the both of us pushing past the doors of Sally's Ice Cream Shop, " If you can eat it, it's food. "

" Yes, but it isn't a healthy meal. ", I crossed my arms. She did the same, rasing a brow, " Since when does, Jane Hopper, turn down a milkshake ? "

" Relax, I'm only joking. "

" Please, I knew that. The Jane I know would never say no to a milkshake. ", She grinned," Wait in the booth over there, I'll order. ", She pointed at the red booth. " You don't know what I want - "

" A basic villiana smoothie, with whipped cream, extra sprinkles, and strawberry instead of a cheery. Unless you would like something else ? "

" Who do you know... that ", I stumbled over my own words. How did mange to remember everything about one of my favorite desserts ? " Jane, I knew you since we were twelve. "

She winked, " Plus, it's your favorite. "

Did she actually wink at me or
am I just delusional ?

Both Jane and I ignored the ugly glances from strangers, as our laughs filled the shop. I had showed her a video of Will getting stuck in a chair, and then she began telling me embarrassing stroies of Dustin ; which somehow lead to old stories from when we were younger. " Remember when we convinced Lucas to use pick up lines on the milfs at the pool ?! ", She asked inbetween laughs.

I wiped the tears of joy from eyes, mimicking Lucas in a high pitched voice, " Excuse me, miss ? Aside from being sexy what else do you do for a living ? "

" Oh my god ! Remember when we created a fake shrine in Hopper's room, and Joyce found it ?! "

I cleared my throat, without giving her another reaction, " It wasn't funny." I had already felt myself giving in, my body trying to fight off another laugh, " He grounded me for a month ! "

We both began to laugh again, we laughed until our stomachs ached. " It was the look on her face ! "

" Hopper, what the fuck is this ?! "

By the time I arrived home my mind was clouded over with thoughts of Max

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By the time I arrived home my mind was clouded over with thoughts of Max. I found an extension of myself that I never knew I had, until Max had helped me discover there is more to me than I thought. When I'm with her it feels like I am with someone I known for an eternity. The way I felt for her was somewhat overwhelming, I didn't know what to do with myself.

" Hopper, you left alcohol bottles under the couch ! ", My mom shouted.

My eyes narrow, a vivid memory replaying in my mind. I had remembered the feeling of Max's lips against mine.

Did we kiss ?

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