chapter twenty - two

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I knew I shouldn't have, but I continued to look for the mysterious hero, even when Nancy told me not to. I knew she didn't believe me, but I wanted to prove her wrong. Nancy never gave up, so I was surprised when she told me to. " A reporter never stops searching for answers. " Those were her words, yet, she was basically telling me to give up.

Right now, I could potentially be putting my life in danger, but I did it anyway. I peaked my head out from the building across the street, from the bank. I watched as a group of guys or girls wearing clown mask unload from a large white van. People walked passed the group, not even bothered by the sight, how could people be so clueless ?
I snapped some pictures, hoping they wouldn't hear the sound of my camera clicking.

Luckily, they didn't.

Once they entered the bank, it didn't take long until you heard screams of terror. Yet, not even a second later she showed up. I froze as she turned my way, hearing the sound of my camera. She shook her finger, signing for me to stay put, and then she entered a building. The sound of gun shots could be heard from outside the building, and my stomach did backflips.

I was hoping that no one would get hurt.

My eyes went wide, a guy no longer wearing a mask was sent flying through the window of the bank.

" Stay back ! I swear to god, I'll shoot ! ", He held the womanly figure at gun point. With one quick movement she slapped it out his hand, causing it to skid across the street.

" You know, you're not so good at this robber thing ! ", She commented.


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Making my way back home, I jumped at the sound of someone's voice. " You know, if you wanted a picture you could've just asked. " I smiled, " You. " She stood leaning against the wall of a building, and even though I couldn't see her face, I knew she was smirking.

" Me ? ", She pointed to herself with a laugh. I began to emaxine her closely from head to toe, dying to know who she was.

Those shoes, they looked so familiar, but from wear ?

" Like what you see ? "

I laughed half-heartedly, " Please, you could be a thirty year old woman. " I was only messing with her, she sounded too young to be in her thirties. She placed her hand to her chest, faking her hurt, " Really ? Do I look thirty to you ? "

" I wouldn't know since you've got a mask on."

She snickered, " Well, that's the point of the mask, isn't it, sweetheart ? "


" This afternoon in Hawkins city a woman appeared at a crime scene, swopping into save the day

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" This afternoon in Hawkins city a woman appeared at a crime scene, swopping into save the day. One of Hawkin's citizen claimed to see webs shooting out her hands. Could it be possible that Hawkins has it's very own superhero ? "

" Jane Hopper, a student of Hawkins High, and the daughter of Chief Jim Hopper. Stated that this isn't the first time she's seen this mysterious hero. "

My heart melted, watching Jane speak kindly of me on screen. " I mean, she was amazing, she jumped right in and stopped those guys. If it wasn't for her, innocent people could've been hurt. I think Hawkins having it's own hero is beyond spectacular. I've even got a name for her ! "

Dustin and I leaned forward on the edge of our seats. He whispered into my ear, " You've got a fan girl. " I elbowed him in the side of his rib, " Shut it. "

" Spider-Woman. "

" Oh shit, that's actually not a terrible name.", Dustin spoke with enthusiasm. I smiled, " I like it. " He chuckled, " Well, of course you do."

Claudia shuffled into the living room, handing Dustin and I a plate of cookies. " Thanks, mom ! "

" Thanks, Claudia ! "

She nodded, beginning to put her input on Spider-Woman. " I think she's wonderful. The police aren't the best at doing their jobs. Hopper is great. ", She shook her head," His colleagues on the other hand are not. They could use some help on their hands. " 

" Yeah, mom, I agree. ", Dustin spoke with his mouth full of cookie. " What do you think, Max ? ", He asked me. " I think she's bad-ass. "

" Uh, language, Missy ! "

" Oh shi - sorry, Claudia ! "

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