chapter twelve

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September 29th, 2014

" Jane, give me back my flannel ! ", Will storms into my room. I slammed my book shut, speaking in a sing-songy voice " Not until you tell me who you're going on a date with. "

I definitely knew who is date was, I just wanted to hear him say it himself. I couldn't believe he told Max before me.

" I told you, it's classified information. CLASSIFIED ! " He picked a pillow up off the floor, chucking it at me. " Now give me my shit ! "

I threw the pillow back at him, " Tell me who." He crossed his arms, " I can't. " I rolled my eyes out of irritation, " Bullshit ! You told Max. Shocker, I know it's Mike ! I seen you guys making out behind the damn school  ! "   He was staring at me teary eyed, " I'm sorry. I know it's wrong,  since you guys dated, or whatever. I didn't mean to make you mad - "

" What ? Will, I'm not mad at you. ", I reassured, pulling him into a hug. " You're not ? ", He sniffled. " All I want is for you to be happy, Mike aswell. I'm just offend you told Max before me. "

Will wiped his tears away using the sleeve of his shirt, pulling away from the hug, " But, you love Mike. " I let out a breathy chuckle, " I do love Mike, but not in the way couples love each other, it's more in a... platonic way. "

" Oh, so, you're not mad ? "

" No, I'm not mad. Now go finish getting ready before you're late. You're flannels been in the dryer, by the way. "

He let out a laugh, smiling, " Thanks, Jane."

Love feels like a ton of rubber bands are attaching our souls and if we ever start to separate in any way,  the resistance from the rubber bands will pull us back together

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Love feels like a ton of rubber bands are attaching our souls and if we ever start to separate in any way,  the resistance from the rubber bands will pull us back together. It's a force that can only be felt, not understood. I know it's rather clichè and I hate it, but it really feels like we're two parts of a whole. It's werid being all gushy, but that's the way I felt for William Bryers, ever since that day on the swings.

" Will, I really like you. ", I said to the boy who laid on my shoulder. We laid in the field of a park, strands of grass tickling at my skin as we watched the stars from above. " I really like you too, Mike. ", He looked up at me with a beaming smile, his eyes twinkling in the rays of the moon.

" The way I feel for you's beautiful, you're beautiful. I don't think I ever felt this way, not with Jane, not with anyone but you. "

Before I could speak anymore I felt a pair of lips brush against mine. It was so soft and delicate, like butterfly wings, just long enough that I could inhale his breath, and feel the warmth of his skin. Will broke away from the kiss, a soft giggle erupted from him throat.

" Woah. ", I said, breathlessly.

Will went to speak, he was cut off by the sound of a gun going off in the distance. From afar you could see a group of people forming into a large crowd.

" Someone call 911 ! "

We jumped to our feet's, jogging over towards the crowd. Pushing away through people, we came across the body. I gagged at the sight of blood oozing out the blond's mouth. My stomach wrenching at the smell of blood.

" It's Billy. ", Will stated, with wide eyes.


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