chapter eleven.

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September 29th, 2014

I followed Will as he rushed down the halls of Hawkins high. " Will ?! ", I shouted, causing him to stop in his tracks.

" Dustin. ", He cleared his throat. I began to study his appearance, his face was a bright red, his brunette hair was ruffled, and he seemed to be breathing heavily.

" Are you alright ? ", I rasied a brow. " Yes, yes. I'm perfectly fine, Dustin. ", He affirmed. " Are you sure ? You've been blowing me and Max off for the last two days. I just, I know you can - "

" Dustin. I'm okay, seriously. "

The 6th period bell rung, giving me time to catch up with Max

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The 6th period bell rung, giving me time to catch up with Max. " Have you noticed Will has been acting off lately ? " She gave me a side eye, " You said the same thing about me. "

" That's because you were acting off. ", I stated. " Fair point. ", She shrugged, " But I'm sure Will is fine. "

" I know, he just worries me sometimes. ", I replied. " Everyone worries about Will, but we can't treat him like a piece of glass, he hates it."

" You're right. So, are you coming back to my house tonight ? " She nodded, " Yeah, but I need to grab some things from mine. Hopefully no one's there after school. "

" I could always go with you. " She turns to me, " You sure ? "

" Of course. "

" Wait out here

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" Wait out here. ", I told Dustin, walking into the house. Taking in my surroundings, I out a sigh of relief, noticing no one was there.

Or so I thought.

I jumped at the sound of Billy's voice, he sat on the edge of my he was waiting for me." Where have you been ? ", He asked." Dustin's. ", I spoke in a whisper, setting clothes inti my bags. " Well, Susan wants you home. ", Billy informed, taking a long drag of his cigarette.

" Tell her I'm not coming home. Not while you're here, anyway. " We glared at each other, attempting to ignore the awkward silence. I took a step back, watching Billy stand up, making his way towards me.

" What the hell are you doing ? ", My eyebrows scrunched out of confusion. His eyes softened, " I'm sorry, alright ? I'm sorry for hurting for you, I'm sorry for calling you mean names, I'm sorry for everything. "

I blinked out of shock, I couldn't tell if Billy meant the apology, he didn't most of the time. Usually Neil would force him to apologize. Either way, it didn't stop me from laughing in his face, anger running through my veins. " Well, ain't this just a fine art of bullshit ?! "

I don't think I would've recognized myself at that moment. I was so full of rage, to the point where the fear of him had faded away. I felt no emotion, or remorse as I shouted these words. " Don't you think it's a little too late for an apology ?! After all the pain you've put me through. I can't even sleep without the thought of you murdering me at night ! I can't even look at you without shaking of fear. ", My voice was wobbly from the sudden outburst of pint up emotion.

Billy stood there, not knowing what to say, and I continued to shout out at him. " It's too late for an apology Billy ! You can't replace the things you've done. " My eyes shone down on him like they were my most powerful weapon. They were like those of a shark. Dead inside. Pure evil...this wasn't really me, or was it ?

" I hate you. "

I slammed the door to my room shut leaving him there in complete in utter confusion.

I walked outside, to find Dustin sitting on the curb, waiting for me. " Max, are you alright ? ", I could tell he was concerned by the sound of his voice. Though, I was in there for almost twenty minutes, he had the right to worry.

I gave him a weak smile, " Yes, i'm alright. Sorry if I worried you. " He smiled back, " Its alright, let's go home. "

I laid on the bed of the guest room, waiting for Dustin to get out the shower, so we could play Minecraft

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I laid on the bed of the guest room, waiting for Dustin to get out the shower, so we could play Minecraft. I pulled my phone out my jacket pocket, feeling the need to check up on Will, I dialed in his number. " William. " I greeted, hearing his voice from the other side of the line. " Jane, do you have my yellow flannel - Oh, hi, Max. ! "

My lips curled into a smile, at the mention of Jane - even if it wasn't directly towards me. " Hey, whatcha up to ? ", I wondered. " Uh, I'm getting ready for... a date. ", He sounded extremely nervous.

" William Bryers is going on a date ?! ", I'm sure he could hear the smirk on my face through the phone. " Yes, yes, I know shocking. ", He chuckled. I rolled over on the bed, laying on my stomach. " So, who's the lucky guy ? " 

" Okay, um, don't tell anyone - not cause he's keeping me a secret - it's like a private thing - because his parents and all, uh, you know - so yeah and ... ", He stuttered. I giggled, " Just spit it out already ! "

" It's ... It's Mike. "

Holy shit....

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