chapter twenty - eight

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Jane asked a million questions in the last hour, but in reality it was really only five minutes. " So, you were bit by a radioactive spider ? " I folded back up my suit, putting it back into my drawer, " Pretty much, yeah. " She sat there with an amused expression, " Woah. "

" Exactly. ", Dustin added, scrolling through his phone. " Are you a superhero or just like, I don't know... a vilgtante ?  "

  " Well, I'm not a vilgtante. " Dustin piped, " She's a hero. " Jane nodded, then stirred up some more questions, " Why do you keep your suit there ? It's a very obvious spot, you know ? You need a hideout or something. "

  " Fair point, but I don't exactly have a hideout. "

  Jane had brought us to the old cabin her and Hopper used to live in, before they moved in with Joyce

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  Jane had brought us to the old cabin her and Hopper used to live in, before they moved in with Joyce. Apparently, the property still belonged to Hopper — and Jane refused to let him sell it, because when she was old enough she wanted it.

  " Follow me. ", She waved, leaping over a log. Dustin and I followed along until we arrived at a large tree. " What's the big deal ? ", Dustin said, with his hands on his knees, attempting to catch his breath. 

" Look up. "

   There in between the branches sat a large tree house, and that made me wonder, how come she never told me about this ? " It's kind of my hideout, I come here to — I don't, relax ? ", She spoke, as if she read my mind or something.

  " Awesomee ", Dustin dragged out as Jane pulled down the latter. One by one we climbed inside, me being last. I took in the scenery of the room, noticing the small polaroid pictures of the party and old memories hung up on fairy lights.

  There was a framed picture of me and Jane on her 14th birthday, cake icing smeared on her face, with me laughing at her side — did I mention there were little pink hearts drawn rignt next to me ? I couldn't help put smirk to myself.

  She must've of noticed me looking, because she snatched the picture from my hands with, her face a flamming red.

" I'll take that. "

   I laughed, leaning up against Dustin shoulders. " I was thinking you guys could use this as I hideout, only if you let me in on this superhero stuff. " Dustin out - stretched his hand for a high five, " Deal. "

  " No. ", I disagreed. It was far too dangerous, what if some lunatic digs deep into my personal life and could pointentlly find out who Jane is.  " No ? ", She rose a brow, " Well, why not ? " I ran my fingers through my hair, " Because, it'll keep you out of danger. "

  Dustin made a face, " You don't seem to care that I'm apart of it. " Jane nodded, agreeing, " Yeah. It's ' dangerous ' for Dustin too. "

  " That's because I basically live with Dustin, and he'd most likely go snooping in my room. He couldn't even keep his nose out of things the moment I started acting ' suspicious

Jane let out an irritated groan, " I can take care of myself. "

" Plus, now that I know there's nothing you can really do to make me forget. "

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