chapter fifteen.

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September 30th, 2014

Jane didn't remember our kiss from the night before. Though, I probably took it the wrong way. She was drunk, and most likely didn't mean it. I was stupid to think that she actually had feelings for me.

I was working on the whole ' becoming a super hero thing ' honestly, I sorta liked the idea

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I was working on the whole ' becoming a super hero thing ' honestly, I sorta liked the idea. Dustin dragged me to hobby lobby, along with a few other stories. Apparently I needed materials for my suit ? .

" What about this ? ", Dustin questioned with a smile, showing off his ' lion ' pearls. He was holding up a white skirt with floral designs on it. " Absolutely not. ", I faked gagged. He put the skirt back on the rack, " Why not ? " I snorted, " You want me to wear a skirt while fighting villains ? " 

" Touchè. ", He replied, adjusting his infamous hat. " Who's going to put this whole thing together, anyway ? I don't know how to sew.", I asked as Dustin threw more materiels into the cart. I forced myself to contain my laughter, my lips twitching.

" What's so funny ? ", He crossed his arms. " You sew ?! ", I shouted. " Not so loud ! And yes, I do. Got a something against men who can sew ?!" I spoke, with my lips holding a smirk, " of course not, do whatever you like, Dustin. " 

" I will. ", He spat back sassily.

Dustin and I arrived home, Mrs

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Dustin and I arrived home, Mrs.Henderson forced us to stay out in the living room, as she finished up a surprise in the guest room. " You can come in now ! " I gave Dustin a glanced of curiosity, his mouth curled into a smile. " I hope you like it. ", Claudia told.

I opened the door to see that the bedroom had been redecorated, posters of my favorite bands and singers hung on the wall. My skate broad sat in right the corner of my room. The bed sheets were switched from a white to a light blue. And a surfboard laid in corner on the opposite side of the room, even though you can't surf in Hawkins.

" I hope you like it. ", Claudia said, pulling me into a hug. " I love it, Miss. Henderson, thank you." I was bit shocked that she would do all of this just for me. " Call me Claudia, and it was Dustin's idea. "

" I figured if you'd be staying for awhile, you should have you're own room. We turned the guest room into your room, so you're more comfortable, I guess. ", He scratched at the back of his head, awkwardly. " Thank you so much, Dustin. ", I said, squeezing him in a tight hug.

I looked down as my phone began to buzz in my pocket, " It's my mom. ", I stated. Claudia nodded, " You should pick up, I'm sure she's worried about you, hun. "

" Come on, Dusty. ", She urged him out the room.

" Maxine, I want you home, now ! ", My mom shouted into my ear. " You've been gone for weeks, I'm worried about you ! You're brother just passed away, it's disrespectful that you haven't even came to check up on your father."

I scoffed, " Father ? He's not my father. He's never even treated me like his real - ", I stopped myself from shouting, pinching the bridge of my nose.

" Mom, I'm not coming until you realize that this man is only using you, and he's no good for us. ", I said, gently. " But he makes me happy, Maxine. ", Her voice broke. " I want you to be happy, Mom, I do. But Neil, he's toxic, don't pretend you don't see it. The way he's treats you is unacceptable. You seen what he did to Billy, I don't want that to happen to me or with you. "

I heard her sniffle, " Okay, I understand. You'll still be at the funeral, right ? "

" Yes, Mom, of course I'll be there. I love you. ", I replied.

'' I love you too, my sweet girl. "

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