chapter twenty - six

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We all sat in silence, though it didn’t feel as awkward as the first time. We were all piled up in Mike’s room, I’m sure we were all a bit confused from what happened earlier.

“ So. “, Will started up, “ What do we do now ? “ Lucas jumped to his feet, “ My mom’s on her way to pick me up — So, I’m gonna head out. “, He turned to Mike, “ If you don’t mind. “

  “ You’re good. “

“ I’m gonna go too then, I guess. “, Dustin puffed, “ Max, you coming ? “ Will frowned,“ How about we all just go home, it’s getting late — actually, I’ll stay with Mike. “ Jane glanced over at her brother, “ You sure ? “

“ Mhm. “


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Jane decided to spend the night with Me and Dustin.  Miss. Henderson confirmed it was alright, she always liked extra company. My mind traveled back to Mike, I felt bad for leaving him. Me and Mike never got along well, ever since I moved to Hawkins, way back in sixth grade, but he was still my friend — somewhat, I still cared for him. It didn’t feel right, we all made the decision to leave while he was going through something, but at least he had Will.

The sound of the bathroom sink running could be heard as Jane brushed her teeth with the spare toothbrush Miss.Henderson had given her — While I stirred around, until I found a comfortable position to sleep in.

I felt the side of my bed dip, none of us thought about speaking, we just laid there staring up at the ceiling. “ Max ? “, she mumbled, “ Are you still awake ? “ I hummed in reply, “ Mhm. “

“ Can — Can I ask you a question ? “

   I sat up with a sigh, turning on the lamp in my bed side table. “ Sure ? “ She leaned against the headboard, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, letting out a yawn.  “ When Mr.Wheeler went all crazy earlier, how did you know ? “, She asked.

Why must she be so curious ?

  I huffed, “ Jane. What are you talking about ? “ She shot me a dirty look, “ Earlier. You told me to move out the way, before anything even happened. How did you know ? “

I rolled over onto my side, “ I don’t know — because I have no clue what you’re talking about. “ Her face twisted and her voice fell to a whisper, “ You’re lying. “

  “ I’m not. “ She scoffed, “ I’m not stupid. I know you, and you’re most definitely lying. You acted the same way when I questioned you about the shoes. Why ? “ I mentally rolled my eyes, “ Maybe because I was being interrogated. “ She pursed her lips together, the room falling silent once more.

“ Just tell me the truth. “

I turned our faces now inches away from each other, “ Go to sleep Jane. Please. “

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