chapter twenty - seven

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The clock striked twelve, I wasn't able to gain one ounce of sleep since my small ' arugment ' with Jane. I removed myself from the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping girl next to me.

  I reached into my night stand drawer, pulling out the infamous red suit. I took a glance at Jane, making sure she wasn't awake before throwing on my suit.

And then, I left, climbing out my bedroom window.

  I swung around the city from one buliding to another

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  I swung around the city from one buliding to another. Until I finally came across the Wheeler Warehouse, my arms crawling with goosebumps as Mr.Wheeler paced back and forth outside the building.

  He began talking to himself, pulling out his hair and scratching at his face — this was not the Mr.Wheeler I knew. It was like he turned into some type of lunatic. " Get out my head ! Who are you — Who are you ?! "

  Time to frooze as his eyes connected with mine. He definitely saw me, because he smiled. It was a menacing smile, — it almost reminded me of Billy. It reminded of the time he set a dead cat on fire or when he broke my best friends, Nate, arm back in Cali.

It was a smile of a monster. The type that had my body crawling with fear, giving me a gut feeling that something was wrong.

  Just as I thought things couldn't get any creepier — Mr.Wheeler waved at me, and my heart dropped to my ass. I swore, I seen a glimpse of bright green in his usual dark brown eyes.

   The next morning, the three of us sat at the dining room table, munching down in the breakfast Miss

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   The next morning, the three of us sat at the dining room table, munching down in the breakfast Miss.Henderson made us. Jane stared at me from across the table her eyes narrowed and hard. " What ? ", I questioned, taking a bite of my bacon. " Nothing. ", She replied coldly.

  Dustin let out an awakard laugh, wiping his hands on his napkin. " What's with the weird tension between you two ? Get into a fight. "

The both of us turned towards the curly haired boy, bored expressions plastered onto our faces, " No. "

  I excused myself from the table headed back to my room, but the sound of Jane's foot steps followed behind me. " What do you want ? ", I stopped in my tracks. She grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling me into the room, and closing my door shut.

" I know you snuck out last night, Max. Where did you go ? ", She crossed her arms.God, I am so sick of her and these silly little questions — who am I kidding ? I could never be sick of her.

  " What the hell are you talking about, Jane ? I didn't. Even if I did, why is it any of your concern ?! ", I spat. She didn't say anything else, instead she turned her back to me, walking over to my night stand drawer.

I'll be damned.

She held the suit in her arms, running her fingers over the material.  " I know who you are. ", She stated. " I — Jane, put that down. " She threw the suit down on the bed, " You're a terrible liar, Max. "

" Or should I say spider-woman — Oh, I'm sorry, would you like to be referred to as something else ? Lady bug, Spider ninja or - "

The door to my room pushed open, Dustin standing there with a piece of toast in hand. His eyes widen as he finally seemed to notice what was happening.

" Awkward...."

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