chapter twenty - nine

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   Will and I had went to the downtown parade, I was sure everyone was there. It was a huge event, seriously — it was the something the Wheeler's hosted almost every year. " Excuse me. ", I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was a woman, with beautiful curls. She was about the same age as Joyce — maybe a little younger. A girl, no older than seven hid behind her.

" My daughter was wondering if she could take a pic - "

" Are you a princess ? ", the curly haired cut off her mother, " I really like your dress ! " She pointed out the pink dress that reached down to my knees, I had picked it out earlier — it really wasn't anything special. " Your hair is so long. "

" Thank you. What's your name ? ", I laughed.

" Lacey. "

The girl stood at my side, as her mother got her camera ready. " Where is your tiara ? ", She frowned.

" Oh. ", I pondered for a bit, " I must've left it back at the castle. " The brunette let out a audible gasp, " You're silly. You can have mine ! "

She placed the plastic tiara onto my head — her mother snapping the picture. I attempted to hand her the tiara back, but she declined, gently pushing my hand away. She giggled, " You can keep it ! "

" Bye, princess Jane ! "

" Hello, princess Jane. ", The smooth voice spoke from behind me. " Max. ", I stated, adjusting the tiara. " Yup that's me. " I rolled my eyes, not having much interest. " Oh, come on. Are you still mad at me ? "

" Yes. "

" Why ? "

" Because you seem to think that I'm incapable, and I can't look after myself. " She scoffed, " Bullshit. I never said that. " I huffed, " You wanted to. "

" No. I simply said that it was dangerous. ", She retorted. " If you think I'm scared of a bunch of armed robbers than you must be out of your damn mind. " 

" Shouldn't you be ? ", She questioned, with a slight voice crack. " Okay, listen — " The sound of the crowd letting out high pitched screams rang through my ears.

That's when I saw it — or him. He hoovered above us, in a green like armor, laughing crazily. " What the actual shit. ", I squinted, trying to get a better glimpse, the sun shining into my eyes.

My panic kicked in once he let hell release, going after the governor, throwing pumpkin bombs at building. Innocent civilians took cover.

I turned, looking to see if Max was at my side, but as expected she was gone, and I knew what she was going to do. From a distance I spotted Lacey, crying and shouting out for her mother.

" Lacey ! ", I yelled, waving at her. Her brown eyes locked with mine, and she ran like her life depended on it — at that moment it did. And by the time she got to me it was too late.

  " Oh fuck. ", I sucked in a jagged breath, feeling around for a pulse, she was breathing but weakly. " My mom. I want my mom. ", She wheezed, her body twitching and I knew she wasn't going to be able to survive the impact of the car.

" My mom. "

Her breathing became shallow and fast, and her beautiful hazel eyes pleaded to understand what was happening to her.

After a short moment she stopped breathing and her small hand felt like heavy weight in mine. I had never seen so much fear in a human being as I did while she was passing.

I refused to believe what I had just witnessed — ignoring the chaos happening around me.

" Lacey, wake up. Your mom is probably looking for you — Lacey ? Wake up. "

" Wake up ! ", I was swept off the ground, and my hand instantly reached for the tiara that sat on my head, preventing it from falling. " Jane you can't just - ", The girl wearing the red suit began speaking frantically.

I let out a choked sob, " Lacey. Find her mom, please. " A sad sigh escaped her lips, " Alright. Stay here, stay safe. ", and just like that she swung away.

  " Will ?! ", I breathed out, turning to my left.  Even thought I was overwhelmed, I was happy to see my brother, knowing that he was alright, next to Mike's side. " Jane. I'm so glad you're alright. ", He hugged onto me.

  " Jane ?! ", Her curls bounced as she ran my way, " My daughter, Lacey — have you seen her ? My baby ? ", She rambled, mascara smeared underneath her eyes. I sobbed in Will's arms, tears spilling from my eyes, " I'm sorry."

" I'm so sorry. "

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