chapter five.

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September 17th, 2014.

That night I snuck out the house. I created a fake body, stuffing it underneath my pillows and blankets, incase my mom decided to check on me tonight.

I was so determined to find out what was going on with me - even if lead me to being grounded.

So, this character... spiderman, he was bit by some radioactive spider that turned him into a human mutate.

Only he was fictional and I'm real. And if spiderman could swing, why not take a leap of faith ?

I'm definitely going to regret this.

I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip !
It's all about the he-says, she-says bull -

I switched off my music, looking down at the city below. I was standing on top of small concrete buliding. From down below it didn't look so tall, I was so very wrong.

I was horrified.

It was horrifying. I was standing on top of buliding that was 35 feet in the air, yippee.

My fingers had microscopic barbed hairs growing on them. In the comics it caused  things to stick to Peter, due to the static electricity.

I assumed it would work for me as well. I couldn't help myself from pacing back and  forth. " Okay. ", I sighed, stopping in my tracks.

I positioned my hand in the air, hoping some type of web would shoot from my wrist.

I got nothing. Alright, let's try this again. I held out my hand, again, squinting my eyes, " go, go, web ! "

Na da.

" Shoo, shoo !  "

" Fucking go ! "

" Avada Kedavra ! "

Come on, you're just embarrassing yourself, Maxine. I took a deep breath. It was now that I realized I could die from the impact of falling.

Was I willing to take the risk ?


I positioned my hand into the rock on sign. Finally, the white string swung through the air like a fucking bullet.

It stuck to the building ahead. I let out a laugh, why ? Because I shocked myself, thinking maybe that this was all a dream.

But it felt all too real.

I took a large step back. Okay, okay, you can do this. And without thinking, I jumped, " OHHHHHH, shit ! "

The cool air blowed harshly against my face, it practically took my breath away, and my fiery red hair struggled to stay in it's ponytail.

Panic over came my body as I approached a large billboard, I was headed right for it. " You gotta be kidding me. "

I went crashing through the billboard, letting out a groan - though, the impact didn't hurt as bad as I imagined it to.

I just hope nobody saw that.

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