chapter twenty - one

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I watched Jane's shoulders slump in disappointment, we had spent hours looking for me, well the hero who happened to save her and Will. As the others slowly decided to go home, it was just me and her.

" I give up. ", She mumbled, under her breath, her hands wrapped around a latter attached to the side of a building. " Are you coming up or what ? ", She shouted, climbing up the latter.

" Yeah, right behind you ! "

The cool air blew gently against Jane's face, her ivory skin lit up in the rays of the moon, doe eyes catching the light. " Those eyes will be the death of me. ", I thought. " It's so beautiful. ", Jane breathed out, breaking the silence between us.

" It's very beautiful. ", I gushed, continuing to glance at her in awe. Though, I was referring to her, I knew she was talking about the scenery.

I decided come to my senses, realizing how thick the atmosphere around us had become or maybe it was just me. Does she remember the kiss, should I bring it up, did she even -

" Max. ", Her voice brought me out of my train of thought. " Yes ? " She sucked in a sharp breath, " That night...when, when I invited you over. Did we - did I do something to make  you uncomfortable ? "

" What, what, no ! ", I let out a stifled laughed.

" Max, I know we kissed. ", She sniffled.

Oh, shit - Wait, was she crying ?

" And, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, or if it was werid ! We were drunk, and I didn't even ask for your consent !", She hiccuped between her cries," I just feel so stupid. "

My eyes softened, and I took her hand in mine, the pads of my thumbs gazing over knuckles. " It's alright - "

" I'm sorry, max. I was drunk, I don't even know if I like girls that way. ", She continued to sob. I pulled her into a hug, our body heat now warming eachother. Her words stung me a bit, but I pushed those feelings back.

" Jane, you're alright. It's okay, it's fine. "

I only wanted Jane to be comfortable with herself first.

Short chapter, but needed to update !!

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