chapter eight.

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September 22th, 2014.

My breath hitched in my throat, it was a rather ballsy move, but I still brought myself to put my hand on top of her's. I guess my intrusive thoughts won this time. She told me she missed me, causing my heart to thump rapidly against my chest. I missed her as well, I missed her more than she could ever imagine. A few moments had passed and the sun was fully set by now. I turned to look at the girl who had her head rested on my shoulder.

Her eyes were fluttered shut and her messy brown hair laid on her head like a halo. She still managed to look beautiful, even when she's sleeping - it's a weird thing to say, but it was a truth. I hated to wake her from her slumber, wishing we could stay like this for an eternity, but I knew Hopper hated for her to be home late.

" Jane. ", I spoke softly. She stirred slightly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. " Max, what time is it ? ", Her brown eyes finally met with mine. " Ten twenty. ", I told. " I have to be home by eleven fifteen. ", her shoulders slumped.

" I know, let me walk you home. ", I replied, pushing her jacket back over her shoulders. She nodded with a yawn, " Okay. "

I walked into my home to see Billy with a budlight in his hand

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I walked into my home to see Billy with a budlight in his hand. I felt my heart drop, not like it did when I was with Jane - It was the type that had my body shaking with fear. Billy never handled his alcohol well, he'd usually lash out or something. " Maxine. It's passed your curfew. ", He slurred, and goosebumps ran up my arm. " Sorry. ", I gulped.

I feared Billy with everything in me, I was absolutely petrified. I don't think I could even describe the pain he put me through. " Were where you hm ? "

I shrugged, " Out. " He stood to his feet faster than the sped of light, " Out where ?! Was it with that Sinclair boy ? " I shook my head frantically, as he stepped closer towards me," What, no. Me and Lucas broke up almost a year ago. "

He slammed his hand against the wall next to my head, " You're lying. " My eyes began to swell with tears, " No, Billy. I'm not lying. " My nose scrunched, he reaked of BO and his breath smelled of beer.

" I hate lairs, Max, you know that. ", He let out a sardonic laugh. Sensing that Billy was getting ready to swing at me, I quickly dogged him.

" Stay the fuck away from me ! ", I shouted, beginning to run up the stairs. I felt a large hand warp around my ankle, I let out a shriek as I was being dragged back down the steps. " What's the matter with you ?! Since when do you speak to me that way ?! "

Before I could shout back his fist connected with my face, again, again, and again. Salty tears ran down my freckled ceeks. Finally, I lifted my leg sending him backwards with a harsh kick. The impact of his body slamming into the wall left a large hole.

I managed to make it upstairs, moving my dresser infront of my door with barley any effort. I shoved random clothes into my backpack, ignoring the pounds of Billy's fist , " Open this door, bitch ! "

" Open the god damn door ! "

I pushed open the window, climbing out afterwards. From a distance I could hear Billy's shouts echoing down the street, peddle away fastly on my mountain bike.

I threw pebbles at the Henderson's boy window, hoping he would hear me - I also hoped Billy hadn't followed me here

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I threw pebbles at the Henderson's boy window, hoping he would hear me - I also hoped Billy hadn't followed me here. The light from Dustin's room had switched on, and I let out a sigh of relief. " Max ? ", he stuck his head out the window.

" What are - "

" Don't ask questions. Here catch this. " I swiftly threw my bag into his bed room window. " Oh, okay. ", He mumbled, glancing over at the bag on the bedroom floor ; he didn't attempt to even catch the damn thing. I leaped, my hands grabbing a hold of the bottom window sill, pulling myself inside. He stared at me wide eyed, " How did you do that ? "

" Great upper body strength. ", I replied in a monotone voice. " Okay, so why are - woah.", He cut himself off, watching me pull down my hood. " You're face. ", the curly head boy grimaced.

" Wow, thanks for pointing it out, spider curls ! ", I stated, sarcastically. " Sorry - wait what happened ? ", His expression fell soft, he seemed to wonder for a split second before speaking again.

" Was it Billy ? "

I sighed, " Yea, isn't it always ? " I wasn't going to lie to him, he would figure it out eventually. He scoffed, " Okay, why is that dick still leaving with there, didn't he graduate ? Do you want me to call Steve, because I can ?! ", He whispered shouted, pacing back and forth. I plopped down at the edge of his bed, " No, no, the last time we called Steve he got his ass whooped, remember ? "

" What about, Eddie ? " I shot him a look, " Do not risk his life like that. " He rubbed his hand on his chin as if he was thinking, " Yea, you're right. "

" I know. "

" Well, I could always ask my mom if you could stay for a few days. ", He suggested. I gave him a nod, " That would nice. "

I could hear him and Miss. Henderson talking from outside the bedroom. " Do I need to get the first aid kit ? ", Dustin's mother asked him. " Uh, her lips is busted pretty bad, and her nose - "

I stood to my feet, walking over to the mirror that hung on Dustin's wall. Holy shit, Billy had really kicked my ass this time. My lip was busted, the whole right side of my face was beet red - my eye was practically swelled shut, and dried blood sat underneath my nose.

Tears formed in my eyes once more. ' why do you have to be so weak, max ? ' I jumped at the sound of Dustin swinging open the door. " My mom said you could...Oh, you're crying. "

I looked at my feet, embarrassed, I wiped the tears from my face, " Sorry. " I felt Dustin's arms warp around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug.

" Don't be sorry, Max, you have nothing to be sorry for. "

I uncontrollably sobbed on Dustin's shoulder, my body shaking. " I'm so tired of this, Dustin. I'm so tired. ", My voice trembled. " I'm sorry, Max, I'm so sorry. It'll get better, we'll find a way, I promise. "

That was huge promise to make.

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