chapter nineteen.

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November 3, 2014

" Will, you should just go with him. ", I told my brother, walking at his side. " Yeah, but, like, his dad is very ... homophobic. " I scoffed, " It's not like he can lashout in public, he's famous, it would look bad on his behalf. "

Mike had ask Will to be his plus one to the opening of his father's new building, apparently is was big deal for him. " So, I should go with him ? "

" Oh my god, yes ! If his parents question it, say you're just a friend. "

" Okay, but ... Oh, shit, Jane watch out ! "

A male wearing a ski mask had rammed onto my shoulder, taking my purse from my hands. " Thanks, pretty lady ! "

I began to chase after, Will following behind me. We were both lead into an alley way. " Miss me already ? " I grimaced as he sent me a wink.


I felt Will's hand wrap around my wrist, " Jane, we can get you another purse. " The thief nodded, agreeing with Will, " Yeah, listen to your boyfriend, he'll get you another one. "

Will and I held the look of disgust, at the thought of him being my ' boyfriend. ' " Or  how about you just give the girl her purse back. ", A feminine - but rather husky voice spoke from behind me.

" Uhhhhh. ", Will dragged out, turning to face the woman who was dressed in a  superhero like suit from head to toe. " Hi. ", She chimed, staring down at me.

" Hey ? "

The thief laughed, " Is this some type of joke ?! Who even are you ? " A ginger ponytail stuck out from her mask, I watched as it swayed graciously. " Who me ? ", She pointed to herself, " I'm your friendly neighborhood spider ... I'll work on it. "

" Listen, kid, I do - " He was cut off by a thread like substance cuffing over his mouth. " That's better. ", She sighed,  delightfully. Will whispered into my ear, " Did she just shoot webs from her wrist ? "

" I think so. "

The man stared at her with wide eyes, shaking out of fear. " Don't worry, Dude. I won't hurt you. ", She snatched the purse from his hands. Will and I shared glances between each other, watching the scene play out Infront of us. The thief attempt to speak, but his words were muffled. " You do realize that's pointless, right ? Just shut your mouth. ", She exclaimed.

" You know, I can let you go, if you promise not to steal purses from pretty women. " He nodded rapidly. She tapped her finger on her chin, " Well, alright. Run along. " The man ran out the alley way, while struggling to rip the web from his mouth.

She spoke with sarcasm, " And you two, try not to get robbed, again. ", She placed my purse in my hand. I watched in awe, she  pull herself up against the building, and just like that she was gone.

" Am I high or did you see that too ? ", I turned to Will.

" Yeah, I definitely saw it. "

Short chapter, but I wanted to get a chapter out before tomorrow, because I have school ! Thank you guys for all the support on this story, ily all sm ! Also three more days until my birthday. 

A few more chapters and I'll be introducing the first official villian !

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