chapter thirty - one.

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  I woke up with Jane next to my side, it was still dark out. Which told me we must've fallen a sleep. This also made me wonder...are her parents home ? I looked over at Jane's sleeping figure a couple of times before realizing I was staring, while trying to find sleep of my own — once again.

She laid on her side, hands so gently resting next to her pillow, and her body facing me. The moon light shone through the window giving a gentle glow to her shoulders, her arms, and her wild hair — that was strewn about her pillow, some covered her face.

Even though we were further out into the woods, you could still hear car horns here and there, the yelling and city nosies ... I guess you could say we really weren't out that far.

I felt her stir next to me, she mumbled in her sleep until she started to cry, gasping up for air. " Jane ? ", I said in a whisper shout. " Don't hurt me, please. " My eyes squinted as I turned on the night stand light, " It's just me. ", I told. Slowly, she began to return back to her calm state, " Oh, I'm sorry. "

" It's alright. Go back to sleep. " 

" I don't think I can. ", Her bottom lip quivered. I cupped her face in my hands as she fiddled with the bed sheets . " Hey, look at me. ", I titled her chin up. " No one, absolutely no one is going to get in here, understand ? ", I placed a kiss to her forehead, " Not while I'm here. "

" But - ", She started up. " Do you trust me ? ", I rose a brow. " Of course. ", She nodded." Then go to sleep. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you, okay ? " She let out a short yawn, " Okay, night. "

" Night, Jane. "

  " Mike, would you atleast try to be quiet

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  " Mike, would you atleast try to be quiet. ", I grumbled as me in my boyfriend snuck into my sister's room — my sister who was tangled in Max Mayfield's arms. " Do I take the picture or do you ? "

" Obviously me, idiot. ", I replied, quickly snapping the picture. " What are you fucktards doing in here ? ", Max questioned quietly. " God damnit — this is a dream. ", Mike added on, " You're dreaming. "

" Bullshit, get out. ", She threw the covers over her head, " And, Will, send me that picture. "

" M'kay. "

" So, like, when are you and Mike going public ?  ", Dustin questioned Will, dipping his carrot into ranch

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" So, like, when are you and Mike going public ?  ", Dustin questioned Will, dipping his carrot into ranch. Will gave me a side eye. " Don't look at me, I did not tell him. "

" She didn't, it's just obvious. Mike's eyes are basically shaped like hearts, he stares at Will all class period. He also stares at Will's lips twenty-four-seven. Like damn, bro, if you're that desperate for a taste kiss him already. ", Dustin ranted and I laughed. Will rolled his eyes, " Shut up and for the record he has kissed me. "

  I rubbed my hands onto my jeans, I figured this was a good time to tell Dustin about me and Jane — why was it ? In all honesty I have not clue.  " I kissed Jane. ", I blurted out, but quiet enough for only them to hear.

" Excuse me ? "

" I kissed Jane. "

  Dustin ran his fingers through his curls, " This is bad, this is really bad. " Will shot him a look, " Why is it bad ? "

" I owe Lucas so much money. "

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