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3 months ago

    Timberleigh just texted Cherry to see if she was home. She wants to come clean about her brother, Clint, being Lugh and in an MC. That he knows her and she should know him. Some of the Sons of Silence members are on their way here. Lugh informed her that a PI found Cherry and sent Alejandro Garcia information on her and us.

    We all feel guilty for keeping Lugh's secret from Cherry. Still weird to think of her as Cherry instead of Gabby or Gabrielle. Cherry responds she will be there before we get there. Then we get a message to let ourselves in. We do.

   We can hear her on the phone in her office. Khaos is telling her everything we came to confess. We all start to cry from the guilt and the love you can see between them. It is beautiful. Cherry turns to look at us. "Don't worry, I am not going to run. The girls are here now and they wouldn't let me even if I wanted to anyways. I will be here when you all get here. We will make a plan then, just like you said. Thank you for telling me, not just showing up and going all caveman on me. I am proud of the man you are becoming. The girls and I will start coming up with a plan and you guys do that as well. We will go from there. We will see you guys soon." she says. "Thank you, Cherry. You have no idea how much it means to me to make you proud instead of hurting you. We will be there as soon as we can. Be safe until then. I love you. Bye, sweetheart." Khaos responses. "I love you, too. Be safe getting here. Bye." she responds then hangs up.

     Cherry turns her attention back to us, Timberleigh opens her mouth to say something, but Cherry stops her by holding up her hand. "I am hurt that I was lied to and information withheld from me, but I understand why it happened. I don't hate or hold it against you ladies, any more than I do the men. I thought I recognized your brother and now that I know who he is, I know why. I remember meeting him at the benefit for Covid last year. We are going to take a few minutes to hug and cry this stress out, then come up with a plan. So bring it in ladies." Cherry says opening her arms. "I am sorry we had to lie and keep things from you. We didn't want you to run and put yourself in more danger. We love you, woman. You have become our fourth musketeer." Timberleigh cries as we hug. Cherry nods in understanding.

    Once we break from our hugging and crying session, "Let's make the guys something to eat and we will plan while we cook," Cherry declares. "I figure since they are stopping whatever they have going on to help us and keep us safe, it's the least we can do for them. Timberleigh, call your brother and see how much time we have before they will be here." Cherry deadpans. I know she is right.

   Timberleigh nods and dials him, "Lugh, how long until the Sons and Angels are there? How long till you guys head this way?" she asks. "Oh, so your whole crew will be here later, too? You guys should be able to be here in a couple of hours and the rest in about five hours." she clarifies what he told her. "Tell them to bring tents. We will squeeze as many inside as we can and the rest can camp in the backyard. No matter the plan we will be here until tomorrow. Tell him we are cooking and will have drinks." Cherry tells her. She relays the message. "Yeah, bring the prisoner PI too, or take care of him first, whichever way you guys decide. See you in a couple of hours, bro. Bye." Timberleigh responds and hangs up.

   "Do you have a place to keep a prisoner? Lugh is worried about taking care of a prisoner here. Too much of a chance of getting caught. No allies near here. Hell, no actual clubs near here. They could get caught and go to prison. They may change their plan but probably not." she replies. "We can keep him in the cellar in the basement. Text your brother and tell him that. I don't want anyone to take a chance or get caught. I am going to order a delivery of more groceries. How many people are we feeding for dinner and breakfast? I know I said we would plan our next move but I think the only option we have is to let the guys take us to Colorado. We will have to lead Alejandro there. If we try to fight them here, someone could go to prison or get killed." Cherry states. We all look at each other and nod in agreement after about thirty seconds. "Yeah, you are probably right. We will see what the guys came up with too." I reply. "About forty people, well, forty-one with the prisoner. I texted Lugh, and he agrees with you but wants the other's input." Timberleigh replies.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now