We Are A MC Not Idiots

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     As president of the Devil Dawgs MC, I often field calls from parents wanting us to rescue their daughters. Most are legit but some are just wrong. They hate the man their daughter chose so they fake them needing to be rescued. The only reason I agreed to meet with Janet and her family, is their claim that their daughters were taken by an MC. I know there are good MCs and bad MCs. She won’t tell me which one until we meet. So I gather Casper my VP, Hangman my enforcer, and Phoenix my SAA to go with me to the meet.

       As we pull up to the meeting place, I am getting an awful feeling about it. I look at my men and can tell they are too. “Just tell them no when they get here and let’s get out of here,” Casper states. “No, we will hear them out first. We may need to warn another MC. I would rather them think we will help, than maybe putting good people in harm's way.” I reply. Phoenix and Hangman nod in agreement.

   Soon a dark-tented SUV pulls in. As soon as they stepped out, I knew they were the second type of parents. The slimy sick feeling they gave me confirmed that. All of the men shake my hand and introduce themselves. Jack claims to be the fiancé of one of the twins stolen. Stanley claims the other is his fiancé.

     One of the older guys introduces himself as their uncle and the other as their father. They don’t give names. The woman claims her name is Janet and she is the mother. I know who they are. As much as they tried to hide their identity, they have been all over the news. The FBI is looking for them. We let them talk anyways. I need to make sure they haven’t hired anyone else and who they are after.

    The woman claiming to be Janet tells us a tale about her daughters going to school in Louisiana. There they were kidnapped by the Freewheelers MC and sold to Sons of Silence MC here in Colorado. I know it is bullshit but I can’t say that or react. Luckily, my men don’t either. We all know Dagda and Mayhem. We have worked with them before. I respect them both for getting their clubs out of the illegal shit. We ask if they have others on this task too. They say no but I am not sure I believe them.

    “I will look into what we are facing and will get back to you in 48 hours to let you know the cost. Meet here again at the same time in two days?” I ask. I can tell that pisses off the two “fiancés.” The uncle agrees and shakes our hands. We leave before them.

    Back at the clubhouse, I call for church. I inform the rest of my men what is up. I get Ferret on finding out if there are more taking this job on the black market. He is former military intelligence and can ferret any information online there is. No matter how well some think they hide it. My men are pissed. They all like and respect both Mayhem and Dagda as I do. I dismiss church and head for my office. Time to let two presidents know what was told and hear the real story.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now