Past Coming Back

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A Little Over A Month Ago

     In the last couple of months, so much has changed but some has stayed the same. After the club and the cartel dealt with Alejandro; Cherry and Khaos married. They had a beautiful honeymoon back in Louisiana.

   Ice is still flirting with and pursuing Timberleigh. She pretends to hate it and shuts him down. You can tell she secretly loves it and he is breaking down her walls.

    Willow and Hawk have officially started dating. They are taking things slow but I know she loves both him and Lincoln.
      Beast and I have been hanging out but still have not had our talk. Mostly, we hang out after work. We spend time in my room, talking about our days and watching movies until I fall asleep with him. He returns to his own room before morning. We haven't put a label on our relationship or lack of one. I have started helping Doc and Paige at the clinic. Also, I have started part-time at the VA. I love helping veterans.

    As I sit here at my desk in the clinic, I keep letting random thoughts take over my mind. Anything else, to not to think about my last patient. A fifteen-year-old runaway, addicted to drugs, and now pregnant. I was helping talk her through her options. Thank goodness, after hearing her horrible life story, I was able to get her to agree to go to rehab for herself. She decided on adoption for the baby.

     I am still at my desk, with my head in my hands, trying to distract myself from that poor girl's story. Suddenly, the lights flash in my office. I look up at Paige startled, "Time to go." she signs and says. All of us are encouraging her to use her voice more. I know she is self-cautious, and thinks she sounds weird. She doesn't. Her voice is sweet and gravelly at the same time. I like it and you can tell from Doc's reaction he loves it.

    Doc walks in behind her and instantly his arms go around her and hand to her flat pregnant belly. They are going to be great parents. "I am ready. Thank you, I got lost in thought and lost track of time. See you both later at the clubhouse. Got one vet to meet today at the VA before I head home." I sign and reply. They both wave and say "Bye."

    I take a couple of minutes to gather my stuff, then head for the door. I walk out the door and have to shade my eyes from the brightness. I stop and I can feel myself pale as my eyes adjust.

    I almost fall forward and scream as someone bumps into my back. "Shit. Sorry Poppy. Didn't expect you to be stopped there and didn't mean to scare you." Doc says. When he notices my face and me staring, he asks, "What's wrong?" I just squeak and point across the road. Doc looks over and sees the two men glaring. They get into a car, squealing tires as they leave before he can react.

    He turns back to me, "Do you know them?" he demands. I can't respond, I just squeak again and start sobbing uncontrollably. Doc gets on the phone as Paige comes up to me. I fall to my ass. I wrap my arms around my knees and rock as I sob. I can hear Doc talking and Paige trying to comfort me but they sound garbled, like I am underwater in a well.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now