Thank God For Prospects

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     Twenty minutes until the ceremony begins, Beast and I are both so excited we are practically vibrating. Speaking of vibrating,  my phone is vibrating in my pocket. Several of us pull our phones from our pockets it's a text from the prospect, Damien. Curious to what he needs I read,  “Two women took the twins. Saw them from across the lot throwing them into the trunk of a car.  Couldn’t get there to stop them. Grayson and I are following in Sheila's car. Will update you as I can. Have Tech track us.”

     I curse and hear curses near me.  I am so pissed I could smash my phone but won't so I can find my woman. Thank God for prospects and their quick thinking.  “I want to be pissed they didn't stop them from leaving. I know they are being smart by not doing something to jeopardize our women and just following,” Beast growls.

     Tech comes running in with his laptop, I have them. I am tracking Shelia’s car,” he declares. “Wolf, Tech, and I will take Ivy’s SUV to track them. The rest of you follow us,” Mayhem demands.  “I am coming too,” Ryder declares. “As long as you understand,  whoever it is, isn’t leaving there alive. They took our women on what should have been one of our happiest days,” I demand.  He nods and follows Tech out.

       As we follow, I keep getting updates from both Tech and Damien.  We are probably about thirty minutes behind the prospects. After about an hour and half we get the message that they stopped. They took the girls into a house on a dead-end street. It looks like the other houses are empty near them.  Damien describes it as a druggie ghetto-looking neighborhood. They parked half a block down,  we will too. 

      The prospects head to the house to scope out the situation.  Soon we get a message that scares me, “Don’t let Bear come in here. Girls are out and tired up in the basement with a dead body. Only Chelsea and another woman, who took them in the house,” Grayson sent that one. I am scared of whose body it is and what it means for our women. We all speed up.

     We park near where the prospects did. Damien meets us and leads us to the house. I recognize the other woman immediately, Ashley. We hear a scream from the basement, I guess our women are awake.

     Ashley and Chelsea jump when they hear the scream. We kick in the door and shoot them before they can move. Just took out a leg instead of a kill shot yet, we need answers.


       Before Mayhem can say anything, Bear is through the door and downstairs. I am right behind him with everyone else following.  I am about halfway down when I stop cold because of the most heartbroken wail I hear. Once the shock wears off I hurry the rest of the way. I see Bear untying his wife's dead body. The whole time he is wailing and begging for it not to be true.

     The prospects are the last downstairs with the prisoners crying about being shot. Bear lays Sadie's body down and jerks Ashley from Damien. He pushes her to her knees and put his gun to her head. “I only have one question for you, bitch. Why?  Why Sadie?  She thought of you as a friend. She stood up for you. She had her own problems and still tried to have your back,” he demands. “Why not her? She had inside knowledge of the club,  clubhouse, and twins. I wanted it and she wouldn't give it. All she would say was,  'Tell Bear and my son I loved them.' She died before I could take that son to get answers,” she sneers. “Wrong answer,” he says pulling the trigger. Ashley drops dead with a hole between her eyes. Chelsea figures out how dire the situation is now and starts screaming. Bear hits her knocking her out. “We will take her with us.  See if anyone else was involved.  I don't care who ends her but I want to be there,” he states in a dead voice.

    I rush to help Beast get our women untied. They refuse to leave without their gowns. They seem to be in shock as much as the rest of us about what happened. The prospects find the gowns and load them in Shelia's car.  Damien loads up Ashley's dead body in the trunk of the car they brought the twins in.  We toss Chelsea in with her.

     We all load up to start the long trek home. All I know for sure, is I doubt Beast or I let our women go anytime soon. We arrive at the clubhouse two hours later.  Damien cusses as he goes to unload Chelsea, “She died. Looks like she took something. Foam is coming out of her mouth. Dammit,” he curses. “We will watch and keep our ears to the ground to see if anyone else looks for the women. Hopefully,  they were working alone. We know Chelsea was obsessed with Beast and Ashley may have wanted Hawk back,” Mayhem responds. All we can do is nod.  He tells the prospects to get rid of the bodies and car.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now