The Past Is In The Past

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      I and a few others are helping Jules with the patients while Doc is in church. I am glad to see the two women who were in horrible shape, looking better today.  “Damn, Jules, she looks better today. You and Doc are amazing. I was really worried she wouldn't survive the night,” I divulge to her. “That wasn’t us. A friend of the club came and helped. Well, she used to be close to the club anyways.  I don't know what happened but she doesn’t come around anymore. That is all Doc would tell me,” she answers. “I hate something happened that makes her not come around anymore, but I am glad she set it aside and helped these two,” I respond. Jules agrees and said she hopes that the club can fix it. She really liked Maddie. I hope so too.

      Beast walks into the room, “We are done with church. I still have a few things to do with the club. We have your parents and a few others. After knowing what they did to you and finding out what they did to these poor women, they will suffer. If you want to say anything to them, now would be the time. Mayhem permitted us to ask you and Willow. If you don't want to I would understand too,” he says holding his hand out to me. I gladly take it. “I need to say some things to them and see it through to the end. I have to,” I say begging him to understand. He nods and leads the way.

      Beast drags me behind him so fast and around so many hallways and corridors, that there is no way to tell where we are or are going. He comes to a stop at a dead end and I think he is lost too, until he pushes on a spot and it opens up for him to scan his hand. Then the wall opens and he pulls me into a giant room.

       This room is what nightmares are made of. It looks like a giant old-fashioned torture chamber. I can see it kind of is, but here new meets old. I see Willow standing by Hawk with the same shocked expression as we take in the room.
    On one side our mother hangs naked, arms above her head and toes not touching the ground. That has to hurt, or I hope it does. Another whole wall is covered in the naked bodies of our father, Silas,  Samuel, and the prophet. Like our mother, they have ball gags in their mouths and tears streaming down their faces. The sight should terrify me but instead makes me happy.  A smile spreads across my face and a giggle slips past my lips. Willow looks at me in shock, then we both break out into a full-on laugh. I am sure we look and sound like we are crazy but I don't care.

       Beast rubs my back and asks, “You okay, babe?” I nod in response. Slowly I start to take in the rest of the room and I blush.  I recognize some of the items from the sex shop Timberleigh and I visited to buy her brother gag gifts for his birthday. I see Wolf and Ironhorse by some sawhorse-like tables with auto paddlers attached.  The paddlers had to have been modified, they are hitting hard. The men strapped to the tables are trying to scream with each hit. Obviously,  the tables have been modified too, they have some kind of whole these men's penises are hanging threw. Their dicks, like their balls,  have some kind of wire with hooks and weights hanging from them. I am not sure what kind of wire it is but it is not only strangling the organs but cutting them more with each weight added.

     I hear Wolf say, “We will remove the gags and give you one more chance to answer our questions before we start the next part.” He and Ironhorse are behind their prisoners setting up auto thrusting machines. My eyes widen to as larger as saucers seeing the dildos they are attaching to them. Those things have got to be as long and as wide as Beast's forearms. Maybe bigger and have spikes at the base. Honestly, they look like four long thick dildos in one. I am not even convinced they are even meant to be played with and not meant for decoration. Something that big would definitely rearrange organs. “It’s called organdur, the sex demon. It’s 19 inches long and 13 inches wide at its widest spot.” Ironhorse states. I must have said my thoughts out loud. Subsequently hearing that both men begin to scream and try to move. I bet they spill their guts.

      I see my mother trying to thrash around, I move closer to her. Once I am close enough I can hear her screaming whore behind her gag while glaring at me. I snap and see red. I grab a whip,  I think they call nine tails,  from a table near her.  I didn’t realize until after I screamed, “What did we ever do to you?” and hit her with it, that it had been modified too. It has knife-like hooks at the ends. They tear some fresh from her body where they hit. It's another thing that should horrify me but doesn’t. Instead, I scream more questions at her and hit her more. I work my way around her screaming questions and raining hits.

     After what feels like seconds but I know it was long, I am pulled away from her. Beast is holding me against him and Willow is trying to help comfort me. I didn’t even realize I was crying as I screamed at our mother. I turn to look at her when I hear moan. I see the damaged I caused as Doc checks to make sure she’s not dying or dead. The whip tore off half of one of her ears and the eye on that side of her face is hanging from its socket. Her chest and tits are beyond repair. I can see her intestines through the slashes in her stomach. I can see ribbons of flesh hanging from around her back and I feel no remorse.

    Mother tries to glare and starts to speak, “You really want to know what you did to me?  Why I hate you both?  You were born.  Your father never wanted or took another wife until after you were born. He was satisfied with just me until then. He started to hate me when I killed the competition and decided to start to share me with others. Now I can't get off with only one lover.  You two ruined…” Willow cuts off her hateful rant by stabbing her in the throat.  She twists the knife and rips it out, pulling Mother’s vocal cords with it. “Now that bitch can't speak her lies even to the devil,” Willow claims.

      I look around to survey what else is going on. The two guys from earlier are dead on the ground missing their manhoods. Father and the prophet are in their places getting reamed fast and hard by those monster dildos. Blood is splattering and spraying from their anuses and where their dicks used to be. Father is screaming his apologies, while the prophet looks dead. Samuel and Silas look sick while watching. They must know they are next.

     Silas is confessing everything he knows to Knuckles. Samuel looks to be in shock. “You can leave, babe,  if you want. You know it ends today no matter what,” Beast declares. “No, I need to see this through,” I glance at Willow and she nods, “We need to see this. We need this.” I respond. Hawk and Beast lead us to some folding chairs.  We sit along the wall and watch the other cult members we don't know, along with Silas and Samuel,  get the same treatment as our father and the prophet. Once they are all dead and told all they know, it is finally over.  We are safe. Time for our lives to move on.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now