The Plan

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     After leaving Beast to his thoughts, I head to the kitchen to ask Grams to get Willow and me a packed lunch together. Lincoln and I are going to surprise her at lunch. Lincoln loves her just as much as I do. I swear he tried to call her Mama earlier. Even Willow thought so, she teared up and kissed all over his face. 

     I need to get my mind off the threat to her and me agreeing to end the mother fuckers that hurt her. Her family or not, they will pay for their crimes.  I am kind of concerned about what I agreed to, my brother and Wolf both had an evil look. I am not above serving out justice but I am more of a shoot them and be done, but for the way they did my Ol' lady, I can make an exception and not lose any sleep. 

     As we get close to the training area, Lincoln gets excited and starts squealing his version of Mama. Willow hears him, she turns,  smiles, and rushes to us. “Hello.  How are my handsome men?  What are you two doing here?” she asks smiling. I hold up the picnic basket,  “Bringing our beautiful woman lunch,” I answer. “Why thank you, kind sirs,” she responds in a horrible British accent. I just smile and bow, “You are quite welcome,  my dear lady,” I respond in just as bad British accent.  We both laugh. 

     It was great just spending time talking, laughing, and watching Willow play with Lincoln. I was able to decompress. I smile and kiss her, “Gvgeyu, uwoduhi,” (I love you, beautiful) I declare. She smiles and responds, “Tha gaol agam ort ro eireachdail.” (I love you too handsome.) We both have been trying to learn each other languages.

     Before I even make it to the clubhouse, I receive a text from Tech, “Church in thirty minutes.” I rush Lincoln back to the nursery.  I have to fight back a groan when I see Sadie, she has been bitchy since she and Bear had problems over Khaos. Also, she is pissed at me since I refused to try to hunt Ashley down to work things out with her. “He has been fed,  changed, and should be down for the count for a while,” I inform her about Lincoln.  “Thank you,  Hawk. Have you heard from Ashley? A baby needs his mommy,” she demands with a smirk.  “HE HAS THE ONLY MOMMY HE WILL EVER KNOW, WITH WILLOW,” I whisper yell.  “Ashley signed away her rights to him when she abandoned him, you know this. Quit trying to stir up shit. Didn’t you learn anything from the situation with Khaos?” I demand. She just stares at me in shock with tears in her eyes. “Stay out of things that don’t concern you,” I request as I leave the room.

     I run into Sheila,  Michelle,  and Chloe on my way to church. I explain the situation I have with Sadie and ask one of them to please go watch Lincoln. I don’t need Sadie to try to influence my son with her negative attitude. Also, I don't want her to be mean to Willow when she goes to get Lincoln later. That would not end well for her. Michelle said she would.  Sheila just shakes her head and frowns about Sadie. They use to be close and now they can hardly stand to be around each other. I thank the ladies and wave bye. 

       I walk into church and sit in my seat. We still have about five minutes before we start but I don't want to deal with anyone right now.  That idea went to shit when Bear comes stomping in and glares at me. “What did you say or do to my wife?” he demands angrily. “I just reminded her for the tenth time that Ashley gave up her rights to Lincoln. Also, I reminded her to stay out of my business. I asked her if she didn’t learn her lesson about being in others’ business with what went down with Khaos,” I respond calmly. “FUCK! I should have known it was something like that. She just came to me crying saying you were mean to her and sent Michelle to relieve her. That everyone is turning against her. I am sorry, brother. I will deal with her bullshit later.” Bear replies.

     Soon, church fills up with not only our club but our guests too. Mayhem starts church, “As many of you know, we have guests from the Freewheelers and Devil Dawgs MCs. For those who don't know him, this is Coyote, he is the president of Devil Dawgs MC.  Their MC makes their living rescuing people from horrible situations. I will let him explain why he needed this meeting,” he announces.

     Coyote joins Mayhem at the head of the table and nods to him. “As Mayhem told you, our MC rescues people from horrible situations. Recently, we got a call about helping a woman to get her daughters back. Something felt off about it from the get-go. We decided to go to meet with them,  to get a better feel of the situation. When we showed up there were three men and a woman there. I recognized them right away from the news reports on them. I decided to let them lay out their story. The woman introduced herself as their mother Janet.  The older gentleman said he was their uncle and the younger ones claimed to be their fiancés,” he says. Beast and I growl in response.  A few others cuss.

     Mayhem bangs the gavel, calming the room in an instant.  Coyote nod in thanks. “They claimed that the twin daughters, Poppy and Willow, were away at school in Louisiana and were kidnapped right after graduation by the Freewheelers MC. Then they were brought to Colorado and sold to the Sons of Silence MC,” he continues.  The room erupts in chaos. There is swearing, chairs banging,  and lots of yelling. 

      Mayhem has to bang the gavel several times to calm the room. Once everyone is quiet and seated again, Coyote begins again,  “Obviously, we didn’t believe them. We have known Dagda and Mayhem for a long time.  We know that neither MC is into doing that. We couldn’t let them know it though. I didn’t want them to send another group to try to “rescue” the women. We came to warn Mayhem and Dagda, along with offering them our help. We will arrange another meeting with them to negotiate the price. Tech will trace their location when we call them. That way if all of them don't show up to the meeting, you can grab who stays behind from there. It will take two other groups besides us to make my plan work. One group to grab anyone left behind,  one group to grab the ones at the meeting while we distract them,” he advises.

     “Dadga and I already talk to Coyote about his plan in great detail.  We agree that his plan is the best option. Ironhorse, Lugh, Aed, Hawk, and Khaos will be the team to go to where they are staying to get any stragglers. Wolf, Arawn, Bear, Beast, Taranis,  and Ice will go gather the ones who show up to the meet. Dagda,  myself, Nuada, and Knuckles will be close by, in case either teams need backup. Everyone else is to guard the clubhouse. So far Tech can't find any other group they have hired but that doesn’t mean they haven’t. We need to be alert and cautious. Anyone disagrees with what we have planned?” Mayhem asks. “No” sounds off from everyone.  “We will reconvene after Coyote sets up his next meeting with them. Everyone, stay vigilant. Church dismissed.” Mayhem asserts slamming down the gavel. I rush out to find my woman and son.



BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now