Family Time

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     As Beast and I walk toward our women we can tell they are worried but have mostly stopped crying. I am worried excessively, I glance at Beast and can feel the nerves coming off him in waves. I grab his arm, slowing our walk, “I worry they will be more determined to get them now because they need them to help restart the community.” I whisper. He glances my way with the same worry marring his eyes and nods in agreement. That thought makes us both rush forward.

     The ladies at the table all greet us as we arrive. I nod my hello and pull Willow up before taking her seat, then pulling her onto my lap. As much as I want to grab her to disappear to our room, spend time making love, and time as a family with Lincoln, I know she needs time with her sister and friends. Beast must have known this too because he does the same with Poppy.

    I hold her and stroke her arms or back as they talk. I am too distracted by my own thoughts and worries to pay too much attention to the conversation. I just know I need physical contact with Willow right now and she needs me, her sister, and her friends.

   My mind is running ramped with all the what ifs. I almost jump out of my skin when a hand touches my shoulder. “You okay, brother?” Wolf asks patting my shoulder. That’s when I noticed he, Khaos, Ice, and Mayhem had joined us. I nod and give him a smile that I am sure looks like a grimace. I know they don’t believe me from their looks but Beast is wearing the same grimace smile as mine. We both have a gut feeling about them needing our women to restart their community.

    Beast kicks me under the table and gives me a “relax and do not panic the woman” look. I nod. I smile a fake smile, joining in on the idle chit-chat with everyone. I can’t wait to get her to our but will do anything to make her happy. I only mildly pay attention to the mild teasing going on about Timberleigh and Ice. Making them both blush.

    I noticed Willow slowly starting to rub on me. “Their talk of sex and whose a beast in bed, turning you on, baby girl?” I whisper tease in her ear. She whimpers but nods. “Want to take it to our room?” I ask whisperingly. I can almost hear the begging tone in my voice. She nods again. I pick her up and stand her on her feet. I stand grabbing her hand, “We have had a stressful day. Willow and are both emotionally exhausted. We are headed to our room to relax. We will be back later for dinner. See ya'll later.” I convey quickly. Beast does the same with Poppy. “Yeah, us too,” he responds.

   Ice and Timberleigh both are openly laughing, while the others are trying to hide their smirks. “Is that what you are calling sex nowadays?” Ice asks laughing. Willow and Poppy both turn bright red. Their reaction makes the rest of the table lose it. “I have been extremely stressed today, too. All of us have. Maybe Khaos and Wolf ought to take their ladies to relax and maybe you could help me relax, Ice.” Timberleigh says with an evil smirk. That shuts everyone up. They all stand and Ice excitedly grabs Timberleigh’s hand pulling her from the room. They wave bye, as the rest of us chuckle.

     Once we reach our room, I slam the door behind us. “Strip, baby girl. This is going to be hard and fast. I need you and this as much as you do.” I demand calmly. We both strip quickly and don’t even make it to the bed for the first round. We do make it to the bed for round two. “Let’s shower and go get Lincoln. I need to hold and get love from him.” Willow states after she catches her breath. “Yeah, he needs mommy and daddy love too,” I reply. Willow looks at me in shock with tears in her eyes. “You are his mother in every way that it counts. The position is yours if you want it. I want him to call you mommy and everything if that is okay with you. Also, you know I want you to legally adopt him after we marry.” I inform her as I pull her to me. “I want that more than anything. Okay, not anything, I want to marry you just as much. Quick, let’s shower and go get our son.” she says pulling me toward the bathroom.

    The shower takes long than anticipated, I couldn't help but have some shower aerobics. We do finally get Lincoln from the nursery. “Come to momma, baby boy,” Willow states as he reaches for her. He giggles and drools as he claps his hand after she gets him. I hug them both into my arms and kiss Lincoln on his cheek. “Was he good today, Maria?” I ask. “Good as gold like always. He is such a happy baby but gets even happier when mommy and daddy come to get him,” she replies smiling. “Thank you. He sure does love his mommy. I know he loves me too but pretty sure I am chopped liver next to her, to him.” I respond laughing. Willow sticks her tongue out at me and smiles.  We spend the rest of the time until dinner as a family.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now