It Gets Worse

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    My pillow is warm and smells good, is my first conscious thought. Then my next thought is, I can feel Beast’s heartbeat. I know I am asleep on him. I try to remember how I got home and what movie we were watching. Then all of a sudden what happened comes rushing back to me. I sit up quickly panicking. Beast sits up with me,  “Baby girl, it’s okay. You’re home. You’re safe. I love you.” he says choking back tears. “You love me?” I ask shocked. He nods “Yes,” he responds and kisses me. “We still need to talk pasts but that can wait for now. Let me get Doc to check you out. You were catatonic when they brought you home. Then you slept for almost two days. We let the VA know you had a family emergency. So you are good, no panicking.” he explains when he sees me start to panic.

      He texts Doc, Willow, and Mayhem, to let them know I am awake. Mayhem arrives first, “Good to see you awake. Do you remember what happened?” he asks. I nod as Doc and Willow rush in. Paige and Hawk are right behind them. Willow dives on top of Beast to get to me, wrapping me in her arms.

    Suddenly, a memory or dream hits me. It was Willow, Ivy, and Beast talking to me, begging me to come back to them in Gaelic. Only one way to know if it was a dream or memory, “You know Gaelic?” I ask Beast in curiosity. “Yes, some anyways. My stepmom taught me. You heard me?” he asks looking hopeful. “Yes, I heard you. Also, I heard Ivy, and Willow. Tha gaol agam ort cuideachd.” (I love you too) I reply to him. He kisses me again.

    Doc clears his throat, “Let me check my patient.” he commands. Willow moves to my other side, still holding my hand. Doc checks my eyes, vitals and asks a few questions. I answer him as I  hold onto my sister and Beast. It makes me feel safer. Doc says I am good and removes my IV. He and Paige both hug me before leaving.

     Mayhem looks ready to speak, but Ivy and Wolf rush in interrupting. “Nice of you to let me know she’s awake," she states glaring at Beast, then continues without missing a beat, "Cherry and I have been so worried. Cherry will be down later or to your room later to check on you. Morning sickness is kicking her ass. I know Dad and Willow need to talk to you, so I will check on you again later. Glad to see you up. Beast, I owe you an ass-kicking for not letting me know but I will forgive you, this time. I understand that brains don’t work properly until we know our loved ones are okay. Love you both.” she rushes out.  Wolf growls at the love part. “Knock it off, big guy. He is like a brother,” she states smiling. He mumbles sorry and follows her out the door. We all laugh at his possessiveness.

     In all honesty, all the taken men are like that with their Ol’ ladies. I wonder since Beast loves me, if I will become his Ol’ lady. “You did the other day. If you accept that is, after you hear my past.” Beast responds. I blush a fiery red, I can feel it. I didn't realize I said that out loud. “I told them some of our past, not all of it. I wanted your permission before I told them the rest.” Willow says looking down ashamed. “It’s okay. I am not mad. I am guessing that is what you wanted to talk about Mayhem. All I ask is to give me and Willow time to tell Hawk and Beast first. They deserve that respect from us. Maybe that way when we tell the rest of you, they can remain calm.” I plead. “That I can do. Beast, Hawk, let me know when you are done and ready. We will have church after. Tech has some information for us too. Welcome to the family both of you.” Mayhem replies and kisses my and Willow’s heads like a father should.

    After Mayhem leaves, Hawk locks the door. “That will keep us from being interrupted. Ladies when you are ready, we will listen.” Hawk states. I hold up a finger to signal and wait a minute. I take Willow’s phone since I am not sure where mine is at. I text Ivy and Cherry, “Please have your men watch the door outside of my hospital room. Tell them to not let Beast or Hawk pass, unless Willow or I say it’s okay. PLEASE?” I ask. I get, “They are on their way. No one will get past until you give the okay.” from both of them. I hear the guys approach and stop by the door.

     I sigh and signal Willow to start. I am not sure what she told them before. She starts, “I told you how our father beat our mother. I also told you how our mother would lie to our father to get us beat.” she states. “That sick twisted bitch, would watch and smile or smile as she treated our injuries if she didn’t see the beatings herself. I think she got off on it or turned on by it. I would often hear her and father going at it after the beatings.” I sneer out. Both Hawk and Beast growl at my statement.

   “Most of our childhood was like that. Sometimes, our father would be a great father. Almost worthy of the title of dad. During those times he taught us baseball, to fish, to survive in the wild, and so much more. Other times, it was like a switch flipped and he was the devil. The worse time was when we were sixteen. Mother caught us playing with Jacob, Thomas, and Frederick. They were the neighbor’s sons. We were tossing a ball back and forth. We were just laughing and talking, nothing wrong. Mother caught us, she screamed and yelled like she had caught us naked. The boys were whipped publicly while we watched. It was horrible. Everyone avoided us after that. As bad as that was, it wasn’t as bad as what Father did to us as the prophet watched. They took us to Father’s office and made us strip naked. They tied me first to Father’s desk and the prophet checked for my maidenhead. When he confirmed I was still a virgin, they flipped me over and tied me again. Both beat my ass with a paddle then our father raped me anally. After he finished, the prophet did it too. They made Poppy watch.” Willow chokes out through her tears.

    “After they finished with her, it was my turn. They did the same to me, after confirming my maidenhood too. We avoided our father and the prophet as much as we could, since then. It happened again a few more times after that time for some indiscretions. Depending, on what the offenses were.” I state in a monotone voice. I am too numb to cry.

   Suddenly I am pissed and angry tears pour from my eyes. “A few more times is more like seven more times. Twice for mother lying saying we snuck out. Twice for running away. Twice for being late back from chores. The last time was five days before we ran. Mother told Father we were in the woods with boys from town. IT WAS A LIE. WE HAD BEEN FISHING AT THE CREEK FOR DINNER!” I scream the last part in bitterness. “The last time Silas and Samuel joined too. Up till then, it was only our father and the prophet.” Willow spits out in outrage. Then we both break down in sobs.

      Both Beast and Hawk look murderous. Other than growls and hits to the walls, both had remained quiet until we finished. They pull themselves together enough to comfort us. Beast pulls me onto his lap and rubs my back. I notice Hawk does the same with Willow. “None of that was your fault. They will never touch you again. Your father, your mother, Silas, and Samuel are all dead when we catch them. G-Man can get the FBI to deal with the rest of them. They will never see the light of day again.” Beast promises. I know I should feel something after he threatens my mother and father, but I don’t. “Can you two handle knowing we are going to kill them? Will that change how you see us?” Hawk asks uncertainly. “I will still see my whole world in your eyes, and I will still love you with my whole heart,” Willow replies. “I will still see my hero and my future in you. I will still love you with every bit of me.” I respond looking at Beast. Both men hug us closer trying not to cry.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now