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    Willow and I were having our normal discussion, some may call it an argument, about taking the next step. She’s a virgin and I want to do right by her. I want to make sure I don’t fuck this up. She is my forever. I know it. My Agilisi (grandmother) visited my dreams. She told me that this fair-skinned, mousey-haired beauty is my igohida adageyudi. (forever love) “Owoduhi, (Beautiful,) I don’t want to rush this and fuck it up. Please understand I want you so bad that I hurt. I just want to do this right with you.” I practically beg.

   Before she can respond Ivy rushes in. “Something happened to Poppy. Doc and Paige are bringing her in. Give us time to get her here and set up before rushing to her. Please?” Ivy does beg. “I want to be there when she arrives but I will wait,” Willow states understanding that she would be in the way of medical help.

    My phone beeps with a text from Tech, “Church in thirty minutes.”  I guess I will find out then, what is going on. “Was that about Poppy? Is she alright? She’s not dead. I would know.” Willow cries out. “Owoduhi, (Beautiful,) it was Tech. I have church in thirty minutes. Probably about what happened.” I state. “You will tell me, won’t you? I deserve to know she is my sister, my twin sister.” Willow replies wiping tears. “I will tell you what I can,” I state matter of factly. “Do you promise?” she whispers defeated. “Yes,  adageyudi.(love) I promise.” I reply. “I love when you speak Cherokee to me. I don’t understand it but it sounds so beautiful coming from your lips.” Willow replies, smiling waterly. “Just as I love you speaking Gaelic to me or Lincoln. I may not understand it but it sounds beautiful coming from you.” I reply smiling. “Tapadh leat a ghràidh.” (Thank you, dear.) Willow responds smiling.

    Willow’s phone beeps with a text, “ You can come down now.” Ivy's text says. She grabs my hand and pulls me behind her. We rush to the clinic. Willow gasps softly seeing Poppy looking so small and vulnerable. She quickly climbs into bed with her wrapping herself around her twin.

    I follow Beast and Doc out of the clinic and to church. Once we are seated, Mayhem bangs the gavel and starts church. “As I am sure everyone knows by now, Poppy got injured today. Doc will explain everything to us all.” Mayhem commands. The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

    Doc clears his throat and starts, “When closing the free clinic in town today, Paige and I followed Poppy out. She stopped dead in front of me and I ran into her slightly. It jolted her and she screamed. I apologized but when I saw her face, I knew it wasn’t about me. I asked what was wrong, all she could do is squeak and point. I followed her finger to across the street. There were two, plainly dressed, older men glaring at either her or us. Before I could move they jumped into a car that sped away. I asked if she knew them and she only squeaked before falling down. Then she withdrew into herself rocking. She is either in shock or catatonic. We are now monitoring her and once she is able, I am sure she can tell us more,” he finishes.

    “Tech, do you have any footage of them?” Mayhem asks. Tech nods and pulls up the video for all of us to see. I can see the, plainly dressed, older men. They are definitely glaring at Poppy. They hop up off the bench when she exits the clinic. When they see Doc notice them, they leave.

   “Willow has told me some of her past. Maybe she can help. Maybe she knows them too.” I inform everyone. Mayhem nods and motions for Ace to go get her. Hopefully, she knows them and can help us figure out why they affected Poppy so badly.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now