Evil Geniuses

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     I have been patiently waiting for church, to see if it has to do with our Ol' ladies, Poppy and Willow since Mayhem called us into his office the other night. This morning at breakfast, Hawk pulled me aside to tell me I have been more grumpy and growling more. He is right, he has been too, so he has no room to bitch. Okay, maybe, we both are more like, impatiently waiting rather than patiently waiting. So what? I think to myself.

     I see Mayhem, Dagda, and Coyote heading to Prez's office. Hopefully, that means we will have church soon, and find out what the situation that Coyote needs to talk to us about. My gut says it has to do with the twins and the cult they grew up in. At least, we know they are safe for now. Willow is working with Cherry's dogs today. Poppy is working with Doc and has two prospects guarding her too. They better pray to whatever God they believe in, for what they did to our Ol' ladies. No one fucks with our family and gets away with it.

     I am pulled from my thoughts when Hawk joins me with Lincoln. "Are you as worried as I am that this is about our Ol' ladies?" he asks. Lincoln seems to agree with his dad, he slaps his hands up and down while adding his garbled sounds. He sounds angry. It's so cute that I smirk before answering, "Yeah, I have that feeling, also." Hawk looks at me with concern and nods. "I was afraid of that. No matter what, they will not touch them," he declares. I nod, "You know Mayhem or any of the rest of us, would never let that happen. Hell, neither would Dagda or any of the rest of the Freewheelers. Willow and Poppy are family to both MCs. We will make them regret thinking they have any rights to our women." I express with determination. Hawk nods in agreement. He fist-bumps me before getting up and leaving with Lincoln.

     Before my thoughts can take over and become dark, Wolf and Ironhorse sit down. "When we catch those assholes and the twins' family, you and Hawk deserve to end them. It's your and his Ol' ladies they have hurt and terrorized," Ironhorse lets out. "We both agree. We will talk to Mayhem about it. As enforcers, it would normally falls to us, all we want is to help hand out some justice. Actually, we are getting ready to go buy some special tools for when we get them. Want to come?" Wolf asks with an evil look in his eyes. "Hell yes, I want to come. You are right I want to be the one who ends them. Are you sure Hawk would want in, Ironhorse?" I ask. "Yes, I already talked to him. He deserves to take some revenge for his Ol' lady, too. He can handle it. He needs to help." he asserts with an evil smirk. I nod in agreement with him.

     I get up excitedly to follow them. I can not wait to see what these two have decided on for special tools. Soon, we are pulling into the local sex toy shop. Wolf and Ironhorse, both, have evil looks on their faces. I rub my hands together, these two are evil geniuses.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now