First Impressions

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    Poppy is an intelligent, incredibly sexy, and outgoing woman. When I first saw the girls, as Cherry calls them, I thought Timberleigh looked tough, smart, and badass. I thought the twins were both tall but petite-built and beautiful. I mean they are identical twins. You can’t think one is beautiful and not the other.

    Then we introduced ourselves to them, I figured out I was right about Timberleigh but wrong, somewhat, about the twins. Poppy isn’t only beautiful but she is downright sexy too. Whereas Willow is shy, quiet, and blushes easily. Poppy is outgoing, talks a lot, and hardly blushes. Also, I noticed Poppy is slightly taller and has more defined curves than her sister. There is probably only a half-inch and a couple of pounds difference between them.

    I learned Poppy is the oldest twin by three minutes. She is the first woman to ever hold my attention. She is also the first, I have ever wanted to get to know. I am not sure what that shock feeling was when we first touched but I liked it. I just wish I was good enough for her.

    I am enjoying talking to Poppy during the ride. I can guarantee she is the only woman I don’t consider a sister or family, that I know that much about. She somehow makes me comfortable enough to talk to her. Also, she quiets the voices that throw doubts at me.

    “Do you want me to drive the next leg of the journey?” she asks. “No. You look tired. I will drive and you can rest.” I answer. “You are only saying that because you like to be in control, huh? Is there anywhere you relax and relinquish control?” she asks laughing. I can feel myself blush, “Maybe, someday, you’ll find out.” I reply smirking. I get rewarded with one of her rare blushes.

   We eat the rest of our meal quietly talking and laughing at her sister. Willow is blushing and flirting hard-core with Hawk. Every time Willow or Hawk blushed, we would try to guess what was said. It was hilarious.

    By the time, it was time to go, Poppy was yawning. Before we load up, she goes to talk to Willow. Whatever she says to her seems to calm Willow down. You can see her visibly relaxing. Poppy runs back to me and hops in the van. “Are you sure you’re okay driving more?” she asks yawning. “Yeah, I am sure. You rest some and I will drive. I will wake you when we stop again.” I reply smiling. She nods and almost instantly falls asleep.

    I smile and snort at her soft snores. I don’t know how she makes snores sexy but she does, I can’t help but think. I don’t know what this woman is doing to me but I like it and am scared by it, at the same time.

    I get lost in listening to her soft snores and singing along with the radio. I didn’t even realize Poppy woke until the song ended and she clapped. “You have an amazing voice. I could listen to you talk or sing all the time.” she compliments me. Damn woman, makes me blush again. “Why thank you, my dear lady,” I say in a horrible Southern accent. Poppy laughs so hard she snorts. That makes me laugh.

    When we get to the hotel, Cherry and Khaos go in to get the keys. I notice some thugs across the street looking and pointing at the girls. A couple of them even whistle and grab their junk. Timberleigh yells, “No thanks. I got tic tacs in my purse.” We all laugh. “We’ll make you pay for that bitch.” one is brave enough to yell back. “You and what army? All I see over there is a bunch of pussy who want to be thugs. Over here, we have real men and badass women. Bring it on pansy ass, put on your big girl panties, and back your mouth up.” Poppy yells to them. Tiny stands up on his bike and glares at them. Most of the mouthy one's buddies slap him and point at Tiny, Hawk, Dagda, Lugh, and me. We are all glaring.

    When Khaos and Cherry walk out they all run. Dagda says, “Maybe for safety, we either put the girls in between a few men or in with a man. Pussies like that are the type to attack when your backs are turned or you’re asleep.” We all nod at that. “We’ll double up with the men,” Poppy says. The others nod in agreement. Poppy and I end up two doors down from Cherry and Khaos. Tiny and Ice take the room next to us. Next to them are Hawk and Willow. Then Dagda and Aed. Finishing off the second floor is Timberleigh and Lugh. The rest take the bottom floor rooms.

   We will protect our women from everyone and everything we can. Did I just call them our women? Shit where did that come from?  Those thoughts should freak me out but they don’t. Maybe it’s because I am growing up or maybe it’s something else. I just know as much as I want Poppy, I can’t taint her with my shit. I am not good enough for her. She deserves a good man. One who hasn’t killed people or had his soul destroyed by his past.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now