Accepting Flaws And All

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When Hawk and Willow leave, I get up and lock the door again. I know it's time to tell Poppy about my past. "It's time to tell you my past," I state. She grabs my hand in support.

I close my eyes and begin my story, "My bio-mom was a sweetbutt. A club whore and drug addict. She tried to trap my dad, Ricochet, into making her his Ol' lady. She purposely got pregnant with me. Before she even had the chance to find out about me, he met his soul mate, Camilla. I know you have seen them around here some, they adopted Gloria after we rescued her from a sex trafficking ring. They always wanted children but Camilla couldn't carry any." I state with tears. I know she can see my love for Camilla and my dad in my eyes.

"Annemarie, my bio mom, tried to split them up by using me before I was even born. She threatened that she wouldn't let my dad see or even meet me if he did not leave Camilla for her. When that failed, she did more drugs. When her money for the drugs ran out, she started to rat out our club to another club for the drugs. When the club found out, they locked her in a room. Rats die, no matter if they are a man or woman. Though, they wouldn't kill her while pregnant with Ricochet's kid. The club voted to kill her once I was born, then let Dad and Mom raise me. I call Camilla my mom, she has been a lot better to me than that bitch, Annemarie, ever was. Another sweetbutt helped her escape from the room. She paid for her crime. Annemarie ran and hid from the club a couple of towns away. The other club helped her some." I declare with anger. Poppy squeezes my hand in support.

"I was born addicted to drugs. CPS took me, for a while, after I detoxed in the NICU. She wouldn't give them my dad's name. They gave her time to get clean and get me back or they would put me up for adoption. Again, the other club helped her. The Fire Demons thought I would be a good bargaining chip later. Also, they knew, it would hurt my dad if they helped to raise me, like them. It took her the full year that they gave her to get clean, but she did get clean only to get me back. They made her piss clean for six months to get me back. I was released back into her care at eighteen months. Then CPS did regular checks until I was three. Once those stopped, she was back on the drugs worse than before. Those three years, were probably the best days of my childhood with her. Don't get me wrong, she did beat me some during that time, but she left no marks and she feed me enough to not look starved. It got worse when their visits stopped. The beatings became daily. She bought a dog cage and put it in her closet. That became my new home. She would only let me out to beat me, feed me enough not to die, and give me small drinks. She wanted to hurt me and my dad." I say with no emotion. I can see that Poppy wants to stop me, to make my numbness go away, but she knows I need to finish my story.

"Annemarie would scream at me, 'You worthless piece of shit, stupid just like your dad. You look just like that bastard too. I wish I could kill you and mail your body back to him and his whore. I can't, I need you alive to hurt him more. That's all your good for, mine and the club's revenge later. Then maybe I kill you in front of his dumbass.' I heard that daily. She would scream that at me while beating me, then she would throw me back into that cage. Locking me in." he spoke monotonously. Poppy is crying and mumbling I hope the bitch died hard.

"Annemarie didn't let me go outside, play, or go to school. The beating and that cage was my life for five years." I begrudgingly declare. I open my eyes and take a deep breath. I don't see pity but love and admiration in her eyes. I kiss her.

When I pull away from the kiss. Poppy mouths, "I love you." I smile, then I continue my story, "My dad found us when I was eight. He killed Annemarie. He freed me from my prison. I was so much smaller and stupider than kids my age. I couldn't read or write. I only knew a few words and hardly spoke. Camilla told me, 'You're not stupid just ignorant from not being taught.' That didn't stop the kids at school from bullying me. Only the other kids from the club were nice to me. Khaos and Bear taught me to fight and worked out with me. Mom and Dad taught me how to read and write. They pushed me academically. It took me a couple of years but I caught up to and passed my classmates academically. I also got stronger and was beating up the bullies instead of taking beatings. They always knew when I was coming for them, I would roar in anger before attacking. My attacks on them were vicious. That's where my road name comes from, the roar and viciousness of my attacks. Like a wild beast." I say with a smirk. I don't see judgment in Poppy's eyes, of me being proud, of how I got my road name.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now