Old Friends

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I am sitting in my office, kissing and stealing some time with my Ol' lady... before things can get too hot or heavy, my phone rings. I growl and consider not answering, but Sheila groans and says, "Looks like it's time to be Mr. President again. We will finish this later." She laughs at my disgruntled look, waving her fingers as she leaves, closing the door behind her.

I finally get it answered on the third ring. "Hello, this is Mayhem," I growl into the receiver. "Hello, Mayhem. This is Coyote. Sorry, sounds like I might have caught you at a bad time." I hear in response. My mood instantly lightens and improves. I like all the Devil Dawg MC members, especially their president, Coyote. "Damn, Coyote it has been a long time since we last talked. Not a bad time, just was stealing some time for my Ol' lady. Nothing we can't finish later. You know how it is, a president's job is never done. How are you?" I ask as he laughs. "You're right, a president's job is never done. Makes it hard to get any slap and tickle time. Hell, it's hard to even get a moment of quiet. I am doing well, just had some disturbing potential clients. Do you remember that we find and rescue people from a lot of dangerous or horrible situations?" he asks. "Yeah, I remember ya'll rescue kids from a religious cult, last year. If I remember right the mom lost custody, then kidnapped them, and joined the cult. Ya'll went in and saved them and got them back to their dad. Disturbing clients? Why? What's up? Do you need some help or have a case up this way? You know we will do all we can to help." I fire off my questions and response. "Yeah, I know you all would help in any way you could. We may not run the same types of clubs, but you are one of the good ones. This time it's not about how you can help us, but how we could help you. I don't think this is something I should describe on the phone. How soon can you be ready to meet up with us and Dagda?" he asks. "Alright, now you have me concerned and my interest peeked. Have you talked to Dagda, yet? I can be ready whenever ya'll are," I respond. "No, I haven't called Dagda, yet. He is my next call," he replies. "No need for that, I will call him on three-way, now," I state. "That does sound like an even better idea to me," he says.

I tell him to hold for a second, and dial Dagda. Soon, we are both hearing ringing. After just a couple of rings, we hear, "You got Dagda here," "Dagda, it's Mayhem. We also have Coyote from Devil Dawgs with us." I respond. "Damn, Coyote, How are you? I haven't heard from you for a while. What can I help you both with?" he asks. "Damn good to hear your voice again, you damn Irish bastard. I need a meeting as soon as possible with you and Mayhem. There is a situation, that I need to inform you both of and can help with, I just need to talk to you both face to face," Coyote responds. "That is what we are calling about, Dagda. How soon can you meet up and where should we meet?" I ask. "Well as for where, I say we come to you, Mayhem. You have that nice big new clubhouse. You will have room for all of us. As for when, I will be there, whenever you both decide. It sounds serious and important. I will make the time." Dagda states. "Well, Mayhem, where is this new clubhouse? I know where the old one was." Coyote responds. "We are about five miles from our old one. Do you remember the old barrel factory?" I ask. "Yeah, I remember it. Has that big beautiful pond by it. Swam there after it closed a few times." Coyote answers. "That's our new clubhouse. I had it completely redone. Dagda is right, we have plenty of room for everyone here." I answer. "We can be there by tomorrow evening, does that work for everyone?" Coyote asks. Dagda and I both agree it works for us. They each are bringing six members with them.

After we hang up, I page Shiela, Grams, and Rayne to my office. Rayne took over being in charge of the sweetbutts from Cherry. They knock and I tell them to enter. "Now, honey, I love you but I am not about to finish what we started earlier with two other women," Sheila winks as she jokes. We all laugh at her antics. "Didn't think you would, sweetheart. I called you ladies in here to inform you we will have fourteen guests tomorrow evening. Dagda and six of his men, and Coyote and six of his men. Grams, that means extras for dinner and maybe a few days, depending on the situation. Also, a small welcome party. Rayne, make sure the girls know but better be on their best behavior. If a member says no that means no. Some may have Ol' ladies. Sheila, we will need some rooms on the fifth and fourth floors ready." I inform them. They all smile and say it will be done. I love our women here, they never ask questions about club business. Well, mostly. I laugh at my thought.

Next, I page Wolf, Ironhourse, Beast, Bear, and Khaos to my office. Once they enter and the door is closed. "We will have fourteen guests tomorrow evening. Dagda and six of his crew. Also, Coyote and six of his crew. Coyote says there is a situation he can tell us about and help with. It must involve us and The Freewheelers. That is all he would say over the phone. We will have a small party for their arrival and church in the morning. Just want us to be prepared for whatever this situation is." I command. "You know, we will be as prepared as we can be, prez. Not much we can do until we know the situation, but considering what the Devil Dawgs do, could this be about the girls? I mean Poppy and Willow," Beast asks. "Could be, but we won't know for sure until they get here and we have church," Khaos responds. We talk for a few more minutes, then we all leave to go help prepare for our guest. Beast may be right, but Khaos is definitely right, it is a wait-and-see type of situation for now.

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