Earning Respect

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      Dinner last night and breakfast this morning were tense,  the news that Sadie left spread like wildfire. Some of the sweetbutts seem thrilled at the news. They whisper rumors as to why she left. I have heard everything from Sadie leaving for a lover, to Bear is cheating, Bear is abusive, and Sadie is just crazy. 

     Pixie seems to be the only one with any empathy for Bear and what he is going through. She approached him with tears in her eyes, told him she was sorry for all he was going through, and asked if she could hug him. She also told him she was available to talk or help with Austin. Since Pixie hadn’t been with any of the members since she came, she had been quiet, respectful,  and helpful, he believed her and her motivation. Bear hugged and thanked her. We all saw her running interference with some of the other club whores too. She even told a few, “Have some respect for Bear and yourselves. He doesn’t need a sweetbutt trying to fall into his bed, the very minute his Ol' lady left. All that would accomplish is getting themselves banned. He needs friends right now, not an easy lay.” she inform the others.

      Diamond accused Pixie of just wanting to be his go-to girl. Pixie slapped her and yelled, “I never fucked any of the Devil’s Disciples or anyone here, only gave a few BJs,  why in the hell would you think I would start now? I have a great life here. The guys respect me if I say no, I cook, I clean, I can hold my head up high, and I finally am getting my GED and thinking of college. That’s all because of this club. I wouldn't and won't fuck that up to make a play on a married and heartbroken member.” Pixie ends her rant by apologizing for interrupting dinner and leaving. I don't know her story but I know she earned all of the Ol' ladies' respect.

    I think only a few know the truth. I have heard there was a note. To protect Sadie's privacy and not to hurt anyone, it is not being shared. I can only imagine what it said. I know Sadie has been a little off lately. I just hope if or when she returns, she is back to her happy self. I also hope that the next twelve hours are less tense and stressful than the last twelve were.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now