Forever Mine

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     Beast and I will both owe Doc for some patching, that needs to be done to the walls. I hold Willow as she sobs. I know Beast needs to talk to Poppy alone, so I stand holding Willow bridal style. I unlock the door, Wolf and Khaos are standing there guarding. They don’t move until Willow nods to them. They let us pass. I nod to them as we pass. I know they heard, but I don’t think the girls realize that yet. They held their emotions and tempers well.

    I carry Willow into my room. When I set her on my bed she pulls me with her. She kisses me passionately. I return the kiss. When I start to pull away, she whines. “Please, Hawk. Feuch an gràdhaich thu. Thoir orm dìochuimhneachadh.” she begs. (Please love. Make me forget.) I kiss her again and she rips my shirt off. I try to slow her down since this isn’t how I pictured our first time. “Please love. Make me forget. I need you. Make me yours.” she begs with tears. “I will make you forget. I will replace those horrible memories with our lovemaking. I love you. You are mine. I claimed you in church. Will you be my Ol’ lady and wife?” I ask. “Yes, a million times, yes. I love you too.” she moans as I kiss down her neck.

    Willow moans and withers under me as I lift her shirt off, kissing everywhere I bare her skin. I reach behind her, unhooking her bra. I slowly slip it down her arms and sling it off. I kiss and lick my way to her perfect, perky tits. I suck one nipple into my mouth, her back arches off the bed, and she rocks her hips as she moans loudly through her first orgasm. I flick and pinch her other nipple as I continue to suck and nip at this one. I switch by kissing and licking my way to her other nipple and start to flick and pinch her sensitive one. I give the other nipple the same attention. I can tell by her moans and hips grinding into me, she is close again. She screams out her second orgasm.

    I reach down, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. I kiss my way down her stomach as I lower her jeans and panties. She moans until I cause a giggle when I stick my tongue into her belly button. I nip her stomach right below her belly button and start kissing my way down again. Willow starts moaning again. I kiss and lick down her hip. Then kiss my way down her leg as I remove her shoes, jeans, and panties. Then I kiss my way up her other leg. She keeps wiggling, moaning, and twitching trying to get me to her soaked core. She is chanting my name and I am pretty sure God in Gaelic. “Call me, Adriel, that is my real name. I want to hear you call me by my real name, owoduhi.” (beautiful) I command as I run my finger through her slick folds. “Adriel” she screams as she cums again.

     I can’t hold back any longer. I need to taste her. I dive into her sweet honey hole. I lick her from back to front holding her hips still. Willow starts chanting my name and she doesn’t stop, it is like it is a prayer. I manage to moan how sweet she tastes before I dive back in like a starved man. I lick and nip at her little nub making her go off so hard, she squirts in my mouth. I moan and continue to eat her cunt through her orgasm. Slowly, I add a finger into her virgin, tight pussy. Her velvety walls grip it so tight it feels like it might break. I don’t care. As she comes down, I add a second finger and start scissoring them. I keep scissoring my fingers as I suck and lick on her clit.

     I feel Willow relax enough to add a third finger. I know I need to prepare her to take me. I don’t want to hurt her more than necessary. I hurriedly removed my shoes, jeans, and boxers as she is still coming down from her fifth orgasm.

   I roll a condom on and position myself between her legs and kiss her. I rub my cock up and down her slick folds. “Are you ready, owoduhi?” (beautiful) I ask. She nods. “I need words, my love. It will hurt but only for a second, then I will make it feel so good. I promise.” I tell her. “Yes, I am ready. Make me yours,” she begs with need. I slowly start working my way in and out of her tight warm pussy. I continue to stretch her slowly letting her get used to it. I can’t wait to be able to feel her warm velvety walls without protection but we need to talk about it before that can occur.

   When I reach her maidenhood, I kiss her and rub her clit as I push through, to fully encase myself inside her. A single tear escapes her eyes. I kiss it away. “I will make it feel better,” I promise her as I continue to rub her nub. Tersely, she nods and rocks her hips. I start to move slowly in and out. We maintain eye contact as we make love. I can feel her starting to tighten again, getting close. I started moving harder and faster, pistoning in and out of her. She screams my name while arching her back off the bed. She squirts soaking me and the bed. I continue to piston harder and faster, chasing my own release. Willow starts to moan, wiggle, and tighten some more. I rub her clit and demand, “Cum for me now.” She cums screaming, “Adriel.” I follow her. I cum so hard I see stars. I think Willow may have passed out for a second.

    I get up and throw away the condom in the bathroom. I get a washcloth, wet it with warm water and return to Willow. I spread her legs and clean her up. I toss the rag into the dirty clothes and climb into bed with my love. “Thank you, I love you,” she mutters while falling asleep cuddled in my arms. “I love you too,” I whisper before joining her in sleep.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now