Wedding Day?

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2 Months Later


     Some days it pays to have friends, like today. That bitch Poppy and her twin think they are getting married to our men. Beast is mine. Hawk belongs to my new bestie, Ashley. Luckily, when I got fired from the clinic, I got a job at a facility a few towns over. They deal with all kinds from addicts to the mentally ill.

    Work is how I found my new bestie. Sadie, an Ol' lady from the club, was there for treatment. We saw the announcement in the paper for the wedding, she wanted to let Ashley know since she has a kid with Hawk. I helped Sadie get the message to her and got a bestie out of the deal. Damn shame, the bitch refused to help us more, had to get her out of there. 

     Once I realized Sadie wouldn't give up insider information on the club and clubhouse, I snuck her out of treatment. Ashley and I tied her up in the basement at Ashley’s place and tortured her for days. Sadie never talked other than to say to tell her son and Bear she loved them. Then the bitch went and died before we could try something else to get her to give up the information. 

     Luckily, the paper told us the wedding is taking place in the local garden estate. That’s why we are watching through the window we left unlocked for them to be alone. As soon as that happens, they are ours.  We'll take them back to where we have Sadie and do the same to them.

    Unfortunately, for the twins,  their luck just ran out. Ashley and I sneak in the window. I hand Ashley a syringe full of a sedative and we cover their mouths as we knock them out. We quickly get them out the window. Still, we barely get out of there and the window lowered before a woman returns. We wait for her to leave before we leave our hidey hole.

      After throwing the twins in the trunk, we quickly leave to head back to Ashley's place. Two hours later, we have them tied up in the basement. We took their gowns, we can use them later, for our weddings to Beast and Hawk. Now we just need to wait for them to wake up for the fun to begin.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now