Past Revealed

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     After the guys left for church, I cuddle tighter to Poppy. I start murmuring to her in Gaelic. I keep repeating the same sentences over and over to her. “Bidh e uile gu math. Thig air Ais thugam. Tha mi gad ionndrainn. Tha Beast gad ionndrainn. Feumaidh sinn thu.” (It will all be fine. Come back to me. I miss you. Beast misses you. We need you.) I just keep rubbing her arms or petting her hair as I murmur to her. I will teach Beast some Gaelic to speak to her too. I know that cuddles and comforting words will bring her back. It happened one time before when we were teens. The first time she saw both of our parents for how evil they are.

      Ace walks in and clears his throat. “Willow, we need you in church. It has to do with Poppy, maybe you can help,” he states. I nod and get up. Poppy doesn’t respond. Ivy climbs in with her and starts mumbling exactly what I was saying. A little broken but still good. I raise my eyebrow at her and she smiles as waving me out the door.

    I follow Ace into church. Hawk waves me over to him and pulls me down on his lap. I snuggle into him. He starts rubbing my back in comfort so I know this is going to be bad.

    “We were wondering if you could tell us a little of your and your sister’s past. We aren’t asking to be nosey, we are just hoping it will help us understand more about what happened to Poppy. After, maybe you can watch the video to see if you can ID the men in it. They seem to have caused your sister's current condition, just by seeing them,” Mayhem remarks. I can see the sadness and uncertainty in his eyes.

    I know he isn’t asking me to betray my sister’s secrets. I nod, “Can I see the video first? Then I will tell you some. It is both of our past, so I want Poppy’s permission before spilling all of our past.” I respond. “We can all understand and appreciate what you can share. We would never want anyone to betray us by sharing what we weren’t ready to share either.” Beast is the one to answer. Everyone nods their heads and says "Aye" in agreement with his statement.

     “Tech, show her the video.” Mayhem demands in his gruff voice. Tech plays the video of Poppy walking out and shading her eyes. Then stopping and her face pales. Doc bumped her, then you can hear her scream of terror. I think that scream will haunt all of us. You can see all the big, tough, and scary biker men react to that scream. Some look angry and some look ready to cry for her. Her terror deeply affects all of them. I see Doc talking to her. Then my twin pointed across the street, too scared to talk. Then the video switches across the street to where she is pointing. I gasp as I see who she saw. Everyone looks at me knowing I recognized at least one of them. In truth, I recognized all three. The two men and the driver.

     Hawk pulls me closer whispering to me, “It’s okay, owoduhi. (beautiful.) I got you. You are safe. No one will scare or hurt either of you, again. Gvgeyu.” (I love you.) Ironhorse looks at him in shock, then a slow smile spreads on his face as he nods to his brother.  “Wado, tsosdadahnvtli,” Hawk replies to Ironhorse. (Thank you, brother.)

   Mayhem clears his throat pulling attention to him, “Do you know those men?” he asks me. “I know all three of those people in that video. I know seeing them is what scared my sister. The man on the right glaring, is our father, Obadiah Thomas Farlow. The man on the left glaring is Silas Joseph Cadwallader. He is the man our father and the prophet picked for Poppy to marry. The woman driving, is our mother, Sarah Ann Farlow. Since they are here, then I can guarantee Samuel Wilbur Cadwallader, is here too. He is Silas’s younger brother, by a year, and who I was betrothed to marry. The community and church that Poppy and I were born into, is run by Israel Jacob Cadwallader. He is the prophet and leader of the church. He is also Silas' and Samuel's dad. He runs the community and church like a mixture of the FLDS and Quaker lifestyle and religions.” I respond without emotions.

    “FLDS? Quaker? What do you mean?” Knuckles asks. Some look like they know, and others look just as confused as Knuckles. “FLDS is a break-off religion and cult run by Warren Jeffs. They believe in plural marriages. Polygamy. Not that there is anything wrong with a polygamous relationship or marriage, if it is chosen, but in our church, like most cults, they are forced upon the girls. Sometimes the girls are as young as fifteen-years-old. Like the Quakers or Amish, our community lives off the land. They keep to themselves." I explain. I can see everyone understands now.

     "Our church is different because they also believe in keeping the bloodlines pure. Cousins are married off to second or third cousins. Occasionally, from farther down the bloodline, like Poppy and my betrothed husbands. They are our fifth cousins once removed. Poppy would have been Silas’s fifth wife. I would have Samuel’s eighth wife. We were lucky that they waited until we were older. We ran right before our eighteenth birthday. We were to be married the day after our birthday. We wanted to go to college. So when the situation became dire, we ran." I say with little emotion. I can see how everyone is trying to hold their anger.

    "After we were gone for a year, they found us for the first time. We were belittled and yelled at because we were with Timberleigh and some of her brother’s club members. They thought we were no longer pure. They continued to harass us for months until our cousins took our places as their wives."  I cry. I can see some member wiping their tears.

    "Now, either, they have figured out we still are pure or they no longer care. Either way, they are coming for us or to kill us. Our mother loved that threat. Our mother is just as bad if not worse than our father. He may have beat on her calling it home discipline, but she was the plotter and the planner of our punishments. She is reliable for almost all that was evil in our home growing up. All the times our father beat us and belittled us was because our mother lied to him about us. The last time we caught her lying to our father about us, we knew the punishment would be the worst we had ever had. That was the night we ran. The rage you could see on our father’s face scared us." I say shakily. I still shiver thinking of that night. Hawk rubs my back, offering me comfort.

    "Mother told our father she caught us with townies. Boys from the local town. It was a lie. Our true offense was we had asked about college. We had gotten full-ride scholarships to the college of our choice. We ran because we were afraid to be forced to be married sooner. Also, we were frightened of what our father would do because of our mother’s lies. I think she got sick enjoyment from our father beating on us or treating us horribly. That’s all I will say about it without Poppy’s permission.” I inform them. They all nod.

     Hawk cares on a silent conversation with his eyes with Mayhem. Mayhem nods, Hawk stands with me in his arms and carries me out of the room. He takes me to his room, sets me in his bed, and then rushes out of the room. I have silent tears falling. Soon, he rushes back in with Lincoln. He puts him in between us and wraps us both in his arms. “Gvgeyu.” (I love you.) Hawk whispers as sleep takes me.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now