Telling The Club

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     I wake up to my phone ringing. “Hello?” I answer. “You two awake and ready to talk to the club?” Poppy asks sleepily. “Yeah, have Beast call Mayhem. Hawk and I will be down after I check in on Lincoln.” I reply shaking Hawk awake. “See you in ten minutes,” she replies. I say bye and hang up.

    Once, Hawk wakes up and stretches, I declare, “Let’s get dressed and check on Lincoln. ” I finish just as his phone goes off. "Tech texted, church in twenty minutes,” Hawk informs me.

   I get up slowly. I am sore but it was so worth it. I get dressed quickly and manage to only wince a couple of times. Hawk notices and looks apologetic. “None of those looks. Definitely, I have no regrets. I would take this pain for the pleasure you have me, any day of the week.” I assure him. He smiles and blushes in return.

    We walk hand and hand to the nursery. Stacey and Gia are working there today. “How’s my boy, today?” I ask. “He has been good. I knocked earlier but you seemed…. Uh…. Mmh… busy. So I fed him and he has been napping for about thirty minutes now.” Gia stammers out blushing. Hawk and Stacey are both are laughing silently. I laugh but smile, “Thank you for that. I will be back after church for him.” I reply blushing. “Alright, see you then sweetie,” Stacey says laughing. Poor Gia is still blushing too hard to look at Hawk or me. We wave bye and head toward the main room.

    I can not wait to see Lincoln after church. I know I will need his snuggles. “Would you want to adopt Lincoln after we marry?” Hawk asks pulling me from my thoughts. I look at him in shock but nod yes. I can’t stop the tears from falling. I love Lincoln as much as I do Hawk.

    I see my sister get a look of concern at my tears. She comes and grabs my other hand pulling me to the table with Beast, Cherry, Khaos, Ivy, and Wolf. “Are you okay? Why are you crying?” Poppy demands. “Happy tears, sis. I am getting married and adopting Lincoln. Hawk just asked me.” I explain. “Awe. That is great. I am getting married, too.” Poppy excitedly explains. I smile and congratulate her as she does me.

     Cherry and Ivy look at each other, “Double wedding?!” they both ask, almost demanding, excitedly together. Hawk and Beast look at each other and nod. Congratulations are heard from Khaos and Wolf. Cherry and Ivy are already planning. They see Timberleigh trying to not act like Ice is getting to her as they enter. “Timberleigh,” they yell waving her over. Of course, Ice follows. They explain to her about our upcoming nuptials and pull her into planning. “I ought to kick your asses for not telling me first, but I know these two and their excitement levels,” Timberleigh teases with a wink. “Babe, if you would just give me a chance, we could make it a triple wedding.” Ice teases her. Timberleigh actually blushes but rolls her eyes. Ice smirks, he knows he is wearing her down.

     Mayhem calls church and waves me and Poppy in with them before anyone can say much more. I can feel my nerves getting to me. Hawk squeezes my hand to reassure me. Hawk pulls me onto his lap and I notice Beast does the same with Poppy. I smile nervously at her. She looks just as nervous as me. Beast is rubbing her back and Hawk starts to rub mine. I breathe in his scent to calm my nerves. He smells like smoked whiskey, leather, and spice. I love it.

    Mayhem bangs the gavel. “Poppy and Willow are going to tell us the rest of their story. I am sure it is going to be hard for them to tell and for us to hear. Please, let them get through it and out of the room before you react. I don’t want to make things harder for them. Sheila, Cherry, and Ivy will be waiting to help you girls when you are done telling us.” he declares. “Thank you, Mayhem. We appreciate all of the consideration.” Poppy responds.

    I figure we will do as we did with Beast and Hawk. I sigh and start, “I told you how our father beat our mother. I also told you how our mother would lie to our father to get us beat.” she states. “That sick twisted bitch, would watch and smile or smile as she treated our injuries if she didn’t see the beatings herself. I think she got off on it or turned on by it. I would often hear her and father going at it after the beatings.” I sneer out. Most growl at my statement. Some do refrain.

   “Most of our childhood was like that. Sometimes, our father would be a great father. Almost worthy of the title of dad. During those times he taught us to play baseball, how to fish, how to survive in the wild, and so much more. Other times, it was like a switch flipped and he was the devil. The worst time, was when we were sixteen. Mother caught us playing with Jacob, Thomas, and Frederick. They were the neighbor’s sons. We were tossing a ball back and forth. We were just laughing and talking, nothing wrong. Mother caught us, she screamed and yelled like she had caught us naked. The boys were whipped publicly while we were forced to watch. It was horrible. Everyone avoided us after that. As bad as that was, it wasn’t as bad as what Father did to us as the prophet watched. They took us to Father’s office and made us strip naked. They tied me first to Father’s desk and the prophet checked for my maidenhead. When he confirmed I was still a virgin, they flipped me over and tied me again. Both beat my ass with a paddle then our father raped me anally. After he finished, the prophet did it too. They made Willow watch.” Poppy chokes out through her tears.

    “After they finished with her, it was my turn. They did the same to me, after confirming my maidenhood too. We avoided Father and the prophet as much as we could, since then. It happened again a few more times after that time for some indiscretions. Depending, on what the offenses were.” I state in a monotone voice. I am too numb to cry.

   Suddenly, Poppy is red-faced and pissed and angry tears pour from her eyes. “A few more times is more like seven more times. Twice for mother lying saying we snuck out. Twice for running away. Twice for being late back from chores. The last time was five days before we ran. Mother told Father we were in the woods with boys from town. IT WAS A LIE. WE HAD BEEN FISHING AT THE CREEK FOR DINNER!” Poppy finishes all she can. Then she curls up into Beast. I can hear him murmuring in Gaelic to her

    “The last time Silas and Samuel joined too. Up till then, it was only our father and the Prophet. That is why I wanted Poppy’s permission to tell you. I am sorry, I know it’s not pretty and I hate that our past will now haunt more than just us. We love all of you like family. Make them all pay for us and for all of the other girls in our community that had it worse.” I finish. I kiss Hawk’s cheek and stand. I grab Poppy’s hand letting her kiss Beast bye before pulling her out the door with me. We run to our friends including Timberleigh and cry.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now