Welcome Back

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     I am both nervous and excited to be back to work today. So far everything has gone well, all but that Chelsea, the new receptionist, has been giving me dirty looks every time she sees me. I don’t know what that is about but she can kiss my ass. I miss Mary. She was a great receptionist, but she moved to Minnesota to be with her daughter and new grandbaby. 

     I know that Doc, Paige, and two prospects are watching me. Part of me knows it’s necessary, but the other part thinks it’s going overboard. Damien and Grayson have been great about it though. 

   Grayson went to get us lunch. I have been busy catching up on paperwork most of the day and probably would have forgotten to eat, if not for Grayson reminding me. Damien and Grayson just marched right into my office and asked what I wanted to eat.  Now, Damien and I are sitting in the break room waiting for Grayson to return. I tried to make small talk but Damien mostly gave one-syllable responses or grunts. I have noticed he doesn’t talk much but when he does, he means what he says.

     Chelsea comes in and gives me a sneer. I can see Damien stiffen beside me.  “I knew your holier than thou, virtuous ass couldn’t please a man like Beast. I just saw him and a couple of his brothers at the sex shop. Probably buying toys to help him get more enjoyment than you can give him.  Why don't you just leave and go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under? That way he can find a real woman.” she mocks. I was so shocked I couldn’t reply.

     “Why don’t you shut your whore mouth, bitch?  I think that is the better question. You have no idea why he is there. You’re so jealous you can’t see past the end of your abnormally large nose. Beast loves her. He is marrying her. Stop trying to cause issues. One day your mouth is going to write a check your ass can’t cash.” Damien responds. “Yeah,  today is that day. Get your shit and get out. You are fired. Done had one receptionist cause drama, we don't want or need another to pull that shit.” Doc declares coming into the room. “I didn’t do anything wrong.” Chelsea tries to lie. “I heard everything. No need to try to lie. Just get gone.” Doc responds.

     I finally find my voice and backbone, “Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, on your way out. By the way,  Beast has no complaints about our sex life. He got tired and bored of whores, like you.” I reply. Doc and Damien lose it,  laughing so hard they have tears in their eyes. Chelsea stomps her foot and shrieks before storming out.

     Doc and Damien are still laughing when Paige and Grayson walk in with lunch. “What did we miss?” Paige asks, signing.  Doc explains talking and signing.  He tells them everything he overheard and my final parting words. Paige and Grayson, both, are soon laughing too. We can hear Chelsea stomping and grumbling down the hallway. She stops and looks in the break room, she flips us the bird before shrieking and stomping off. That sets off the laughing again, from all of us.  “What a welcome back to work. Definitely, entertaining.” Paige signs.


BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now