Evil Deeds

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    I hate this tiny hick town and all the sinners who live here. I hate that our father and that weasel, Obadiah, decided to leave the girls where they were years ago. Claiming they were impure now. They convinced all of us of that until months ago. That is when Brad, a man the girls went to school with, came and ask for Poppy’s hand in marriage. She told him she and her sister didn’t believe in premarital sex when he hit on her. Of course, I killed him for thinking he had a claim to my betrothed. We finally tracked them down to this hell hole. With another motorcycle gang of all things.

     “What can I get ya’ll?” the waitress’s nasally voice pulls me out of my head. Father orders first, then Obadiah, then his bitch Sarah, next Samuel orders, and then finally it’s my turn. I give my order as the whore waitress tries to flirt batting her eye. It makes me nauseated. I can tell by her demeanor and clothes, she is impure. I will only fuck pure women but I may let the whore suck my dick later. “I bet the only purr hole on her is her ass. I will help remedy that later if you want company while you let her suck you off.” Samuel whispers to me. I smile and nod.

    We both need and deserve some release from being this far from our wives. I know Obadiah and our father have been sharing Sarah. I heard her screams the first few times. Father enjoys their screams. Samuel and I do too. Nothing makes me harder than my wives’ screaming and crying. Poor father, Sarah moans like the whore she is. Soon, our father will tire of that and grab him a girl. We just need to hurry up before he does, so the law doesn’t hunt us.

    After breakfast is delivered, our father and Obadiah start to plan. They want to grab some of the gang’s women to trade for the twins. Samuel agrees with me, it’s not worth the hassle or risk. We just want to storm their compound and take our women. Then we can figure out how to get our other wives and kids back.

   Sarah finally speaks and agrees with Samuel and I. She even suggests getting another gang or MC involved to help. She tells us about an MC called Devil Dawgs that helps rescue women for a price. All of us are impressed with her plan. Father agrees to try it that way first. Samuel and I smile. Soon we will have our wives.

     As we are leaving Samuel whispers to the waitress. She agrees to join us later. She is smiling like the cat that swallowed the canary at getting both of us. We will wipe that off her face soon enough.

    It only took the first hour after she joined us, for her smile to stop. Soon after, her tears and screams stopped. That was hours ago. She stayed pretty much catatonic until our father and Obadiah joined us too. She did start screaming again when we shoved two cocks in her ass and loose cunt at the same time. I wrapped my hands around her throat to quiet her. Evidently, I did it too hard. The whore died before we were done. Samuel wanted to dump her at their gate, but thankfully our father vetoed that so we catch them by surprise. We meet with the other MC in three days. I can’t wait.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now