Some Hope

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      After Hawk leaves church with Willow. A collective of growls and curses sound off. We are all pissed about what they have been through. What pisses me off more, is wondering what else happened that is worse. It has to be so horrendous, that Willow couldn’t share without Poppy’s permission. I can see the rest are thinking the same as me.

   “How much worse is their story going to get? That’s all I keep thinking. What she shared was horrible. Since the rest needs to wait for Poppy’s permission, it has to be worse. Damn,” Ace growls out. I can’t contain the roar that rips from my throat. I stand up so fast and hard, my chair flies into the wall. I turn punching the wall above my chair. I can feel the tears and rage building up inside me.

     Someone touches my shoulder, I turn with my fist ready but stop myself when I see my president. “Better now, brother?” he asks. I nod and pull my chair back to the table sitting back down. I can tell others are barely containing themselves from doing something similar to what I did.

     Mayhem walks back to the head of the table, “Okay, let’s get back to this. So, most likely, they are not here just to scare the girls. They probably are going to try to grab them. They are ours, Hawk might have well claimed Willow earlier. Poppy seems to have a thing for our Beast. Pretty sure, the feeling is mutual if the hole in the wall is any indication,” Mayhem expresses. “I am claiming Poppy, officially. If she doesn’t accept at first, I will convince her. I love her and she is mine. I just hope she can look past my past,” I retort. I am nervous she will run once she hears it.

    Hawk walks back in as everyone is slapping me on the back. Of course, they accepted Poppy as my Ol’ lady. “I am claiming Willow as my Ol’ lady,” Hawk states loudly. "Ayes" all around before Mayhem can even ask. Once the congratulating and slapping of backs stop. “What are we going to do about their family?" Hawk and I ask at the same time. “Tech, find all you can about them and their community. When we have more information and know where they are staying, we will go from there. We may bring G-Man in on it if we have to. I want to hear the rest as soon as we can. I won’t do anything to harm her, I promise, Beast. No need to growl. Church dismissed. ” Mayhem commands.

     I apologize to Prez on my way out the door. I walk straight to the clinic, back to the woman who owns my heart. Ivy is in bed with her, murmuring to her. I can hear it somewhat and am pretty sure it’s Gaelic. I know some from my stepmother. I listen closer and it is Gaelic, broken Gaelic but good enough I can understand it. She is telling her, “It will all be fine. Come back to me. I miss you. Beast misses you. We need you.” I tap Ivy. “You’re right we need her. I need her. I love her. I just have to tell her. I have her from here. Go to your babies and husband. It was a rough church. I am sure he needs you. I love you, Ivy. You’re the best little sister to all of us.” I tell her and kiss her forehead.

   I climb into bed and roll her toward me. I put her head on my chest, one hand under her head, and the other over my heart. It is the way she falls asleep on me during movie nights. I start rubbing her back and whispering to her. “Thig air Ais thugam. Tha mi gad ionndrainn. Tha feum agam ort. Tha feum againn uile oirbh. Tha gaol agam ort.” I murmur lovingly. (Come back to me. I miss you. I need you. We all need you. I love you.) After about twenty minutes of this, she closes her eyes and her breathing smoothes out. I keep it up. Soon after, she throws her leg over mine. I hope that is a good sign. I will ask Doc when he comes in.

     I must have fallen asleep, Doc startles me when he comes in. I look at the clock, it has been two hours. “Did you move her like that?” he asks. “Only rolled her to me and her arms like they are. She closed her own eyes, eased her breathing, and moved her leg over mine. That’s a good sign, right?” I ask hopefully. “Yes, it should be a good sign. She may wake tomorrow and be fine or sleep for days before she wakes,” he answers. He checks her eyes, does her vitals, and changes her IV bag. He barely moved her and she moved back on her own. This really gives me hope. “Everything looks good, Beast. Even her eyes are reacting better to stimulation and light. I am hopeful she will be herself either tomorrow or soon after.” Doc states matter of factly. I nod and wave as he leaves. I go back to rubbing her back and whispering to her in Gaelic. I soon feel my eyelids getting heavy and let sleep take me.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now