Waking The Beast

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    If this bitch, flirts with me or tries to grab my junk one more time before I finish this tattoo, I am going to let Sheila handle her. I finish the last color, then clean up the ink. “You’re done. Want to look at it before I cover it?” I ask with a glare. She hops up and turns to see her shoulder in the mirror. “Oh my gosh. It is fucking amazing. Thank you, Beast.” she purrs the last part. “Go see Sheila to pay and get care instructions.” I deadpan as I ointment and cover it. She tries to kiss me and I pull back. Just then, she is yanked away from me. “What did I tell you? This is a tattoo shop, not a strip club, sex shop, sex club, or a damn bar. Don’t touch our tattoo artist. They don’t want your STDs or rancid pussy. $250 for the tattoo. Take your care instructions and find a new shop.” Sheila commands as she drags that bitch out by her hair. Sheila takes $300 from her and informs her the rest is for my pain and anguish from her unwanted touches and advances. Then Sheila tosses her into the street. I laugh the whole time. “Jessica or Janet?” Ink asks coming out of his room. “Jessica.” Sheila growls, since I am still laughing too hard to answer.

     My phone rings and I answer it with a laugh, “Hello?” I hear Paige murmuring in the background and Doc stating, “Beast, I need you not to freak.” When Doc starts like that I know it’s bad. I only care about my brothers and a few others. “What happened to Poppy?” I demand. I just know it has to be her. “She is in shock. I am pretty sure that is what it is. That or she is scared catatonic,” he manages to get out before I roar in anger.

   “Where? Where is she?” I demand. “Already called Mayhem. Ivy is informing Willow. They are getting a room ready for her. Paige is driving her home and I am following.” Doc responds calmly. “What happened? Who hurt her?” I growl out. “I will explain to you and everyone in church,” he replies. “NO. I WANT TO KNOW NOW!!” I bellow out. “Mayhem’s orders,” is all Doc has to say to deflate my anger to a manageable level. I nod and reply okay. My phone beeps with a text from Tech, “Church in thirty.”

    I slam in through the clubhouse doors within five minutes. I left Ink and Sheila way behind. I run straight to the clinic. I find Doc hooking up an IV to Poppy. She looks so small laying on the bed. I walk up to her and brush her hair from her face. “Poppy, baby girl,” I murmur tenderly to her. No response, she just stares straight at the wall. I link our fingers and lift her hand to my mouth, giving it a tender kiss. A single tear leaks from her eyes. No other response. Doc motions for me to follow him. I don’t want to leave her but Ivy pats my arm. Willow rushes in followed by Hawk. She climbs in bed with Poppy and wraps herself around her.

   It's time for church and to find out what happened to my baby girl. Hawk, Doc, and I all head to church with determination. You come after one of ours, we’ll come after you. Make no doubt, Poppy is one of ours. She is MINE.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now