The Past Can Still Hurt

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     I can't believe I let Doc talk me into coming back around. Hell, I have hardly even talked to Doc or my dad since it happened. Maybe I can make it in and out of here without being seen by him, I think as I pull up to the gate. It may be a different clubhouse now and no bikes out front but my mind stills pulls me back to that day two years ago.

     I finally completed my internship, I am a full-fledged trauma surgeon now. Dad is going to a party at the Sons of Silence clubhouse. He has been friendly with the club for years. I grew up around them and after Mom left, it seems like we never miss a gathering there. I always got to attend the family-friendly ones and a few of the wilder ones after I hit twenty-one. Not that age ever mattered to me.

      I loved going for a few reasons, the family-feeling atmosphere, the great people, and him. My very own silver fox. I have always been attracted to older men. He may be twenty years my senior but my heart and body decided he was mine at sixteen. I have never made it known or a pass at him, since I knew he wouldn't go there before I came of age.

     I wanted to make my move since I turned eighteen but Dad asked me to wait until I became a doctor. I know he wanted me to wait in hopes the feelings would pass, but they have remained. Tonight is the night, I am a doctor and nothing is holding me back anymore.

      I took extra time and effort into looking my best tonight. I want to look sexy but not cheap like the club whores. I want to look mature but not old lady-like. I want him to see that I would make him a perfect Ol' lady and wife. I have my makeup done to perfection, light to enhance my natural beauty, not caked on. My clothes hug my curves and show my assets without being slutty. I hope he enjoys all my effort and the present I have saved for him. No way some immature high school boy or frat boy was getting the one present a woman can only give one man. That is all for my silver fox. He will be my first and only or no one will. He is it for me.

     I have been watching him from afar since we arrived at the party. I am watching for my opportune time to approach him without embarrassing myself, if I had only known that it wouldn't matter. I think I have finally found my operative time when he splits off from the big group he has been around all evening. I fight my way through the crowd to the little hallway he disappeared into.

     What I see nearly rips my heart in two. There he is with his head thrown back while a club whore, younger than me, gives him a blowjob. I must have made a noise, the club whore stops and asks with a near , "Want to join? If not then get lost, little girl." "Get back to it, Liza. I don't have time for little girls and their pathetic little crushes," he growls shoving her face back at his cock. I can hear gasps and growls from around us. I glance around and notice about twelve members and others near, heard him. That's all it took, my heart shattered beyond repair. I run away with tears falling. I will never make that mistake again, swear to myself.

      I haven't been near the club or clubhouse again since that night. My dad and my relationship has been strained since that night too. Dad came home and said that he had apologized. He never meant to really hurt me, just wanted me to move on with someone my own age. Dad agreed with him.

     I left my dad's house that night, in even worse shape emotionally than from the clubhouse. I totaled my car because I couldn't see through my tears. Now my heart or face will never be the same since that night. Of course, both tried to visit and apologize at the hospital but I refused to allow them in my room. Dad and I have since made tentative amends. I am sure just like my face, our relationship will never be the same.

     I am startled out of my thoughts by a knock on my window. I about scream until I recognize Doc. "Hi," he greets me as he opens my door. "Hi. Just remember our deal. I will help and keep my mouth shut but I don't want to see any other club members, at all." I reply. He nods and leads me through a tunnel.

     Once we come to the end, we enter a medical room. It is so well set up it almost rivals that of the hospital. He leads me to the patient I am there to help. I am glad he called me in, she definitely needs me. Even with Doc and Jules's help, it takes us hours to repair all the damage done to this poor woman.

     Doc shows me the other woman they were concerned about, I decided to stay and help her too. Doc explains how they helped these women and how they came to be at the clubhouse while I work. A couple of hours later he is walking me back to my car. "Mayhem may want to talk to you, Maddie. He will want to know about their injuries. Hell, he may want you to explain them during church," he explains. I pale at the thought but then get angry. "I will talk to him and explain all the injuries. I will do all I can to help but if he wants me to be at church in person instead of on the phone, he can want in one hand and shit in the other to see which gets full faster. I will not expose myself to being around that dick and you know who I mean ever again." I declare through clenched teeth. He nods in understanding. "Hell, make sure Mayhem understands that if that asshole even tries to speak while I am helping, I will hang up," I demand. He nods again and kisses my scarred cheek. "Thanks, Maddie, for everything. We all still love and miss you, hun. I hope you know that," he responds. I nod to chocked up in tears to respond. I jump in my car leaving as fast as I can before I embarrass myself more around these people.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now