Unexpected Complications

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       I hate seeing one of my best friends, brothers, going through hell. I am one of the few that have seen and read the letter Sadie left. While I do understand her reasons for leaving, she couldn’t have picked a worse time to do it. Right now we all need to be focused. Mayhem offered to replace Bear with Ink on Wolf's team but Bear swears he’ll be fine.

     Mayhem called church for us all to be updated. It looks like it will be done tonight. Coyote got the meeting scheduled with Poppy and Willow's mom for tonight. They are meeting at a vacant lot outside of town. Tech was able to trace the call to an old farmhouse not too far from the clubhouse. Tech checked with the owners, they rented it out last week to yet another fake name. We are not sure how many they have or if they have acquired any for Poppy and Willow. That thought scares the shit out of me.

     I watch Bear join Pixie at a table when we leave church. They instantly start talking. I know they have gotten close since she stood up for him. It’s hard to believe that has been less than twenty-four hours ago. I am just glad he is talking to someone. The only thing, all the rest of us can get out of him is her phone is disconnected and her family or friends outside the club won’t answer his calls. All he will say about Pixie is that she understands what he is going through. I know in time he will open up more to the rest of us.

      I spend dinner with Poppy alone in our room, just in case. Tomorrow is never promised. Tonight should go off without a hitch but I just couldn’t leave without her knowing how important she is to me. 

      I make love to her twice after we eat. I would have tried for a third but I got the text from Tech,  “Kickstands up in twenty.” I just shake my head and laugh. He is trying to sound more biker lately. VPN was teasing him one night that he sounds more like a banker than a biker. Ever since he has tried to use more biker lingo. 

   “Poppy, babe, I got to leave in twenty minutes. I am going to jump in a quick shower. I don't know when we will be back, it may be late so don’t wait up,” I say waking her from her orgasm-induced slumber. “Bi sàbhailte. Thig dhachaigh thugam. The gaol agam ort,” (Be safe. Come home to me. I love you.) she mumbles and falls back into her orgasm-induced slumber, hugging my pillow. “Tha gaol agam ort cuideachd,”(I love you too) I reply even though she is out.

      I shower and dress quickly. I make it downstairs with five minutes to spare. Between Tech and Gunner, they give us all the equipment we need for this mission. “Be safe and come back whole. Remember we will be watching and listening. Ask for help if you need it.  Every one of you men is worth ten of the ones we are after,” Mayhem speaks up. We all stomp our feet in agreement.

     We arrive at our designated location twenty minutes before the meeting is to start.  We know that Sarah or anyone else hasn't left the farm yet. Furthermore, we know that nobody is watching here, thanks to Tech and his drones.

    Each group has a prospect driving a van to haul prisoners back with. They are also responsible to make sure the vehicles stay hidden.  Our group has Grayson. Ironhorse's group has Damien. Mayhem has our newest prospect Kylian.

     Kylian is barely eighteen, he was thrown out of his foster home as soon as he hit eighteen. He has been living on the street selling his artwork to eat and trying to save up to fight to get custody of his baby sisters. Gears found him and took him under his wing. Gears thinks Kylian would be great for doing custom paint jobs. Haylie is going to help him get custody, pro bono.

    I am pulled from my thoughts by Tech coming through the coms, “Three men and a woman leaving. Headed your way,” he states. “Ironhorse, once they reach the meeting spot, you and your team move in on the farmhouse. Recon now, entry after they reach their destination,” Mayhem orders. Ironhorse responds he understands.

     As we see headlights approaching, Ironhorse comes across the coms, “Mayhem, we need you here. There are four men here in total and at least eight women, who do not look to be here voluntarily,” he announces. “Be there in less than ten minutes,” Mayhem responds. Things just got more complicated.

     Our group arrives, from Coyote’s descriptions, the younger two are the same ones,  along with the woman. The older man is different, must be Poppy and Willow's father. We watch them as they talk to Coyote,  we are just waiting on his signal. As soon as he gives it, we are on them before they can react.

     We quickly tie up and gag our prisoners before tossing them in the van. We anxiously wait to hear from Mayhem or Ironhorse before leaving, in case they need us at the farmhouse. Just as my patience is running out, Mayhem finally comes across the coms, “Tech, get Doc and Jules, hell,  anyone with medical training to get the medical rooms ready. A couple of these women are in really bad shape. We will be coming in hot, I am worried one may not make it. Wolf, meet us there. Prospects and Knuckles can get our guests comfortable.” Mayhem demands.

    We leave, with the Devil Dawgs right on our tails. We are flying like bats out of hell. The prospects have the gate open waiting for us. We actually beat Mayhem's group home. They come whipping it in, just as our prospect and Axel leave with our guest. The van with Knuckles and Damien continues around with the rest of our guests.

     Mayhem jumps out with a woman wrapped in a bloody blanket and Ironhorse exits with one in similar shape. “Church in the morning,  after we find out what kind of shape these women are in and what happened to them. Our guest can wait until then,” he yells over his should as he rushes past. We go over to help Hawk and the others to unload the rest of the women. We escort them to the medical wing.

     I can hear Doc cussing as we enter. “Shelia, I have her stable but I am going to have to call in help with this one. I have a friend who is a trauma surgeon, she will come and keep quiet about it,” Doc proclaims. “If it is who I think,  yeah she will keep it quiet. If not her, then you better be sure you can trust her before you call,” Sheila demands.  “Yeah, it is who you think it is,” Doc sighs. I have no clue who they are talking about, I just hope it doesn’t cause drama.

      Soon, we have the women settled in with everyone helping in the clinic. Paige and Phoebe are talking to some of them, while Doc and others check them over. I rush out to find my Ol' lady.  Shortly, her and Willow's nightmares will be over.




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