Bad Night

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     The food at the diner was some of the best I have had in a long time. The only bad part about it was, Beast was weirdly quiet the whole time. I tried to engage him in conversation and mostly got one-word answers. Maybe, I read the whole situation wrong. I thought he was into me as much as I am him. Then, when we go out of the diner to head back to the motel, he is back in protective mode. He looks all around for those assholes from earlier. I just don't understand him.

    When we get back to the motel I tell Beast, "I am going to take a shower." He nods and unlocks the door for me. I noticed he didn't follow me in. I turn on the shower but go near the window to see what he is doing. He is talking to Ice. I lean near the window to see what they are talking about because it looks like they are arguing. "No, brother. You stay in the room with her. You two seemed to be hitting it off. What the fuck happened?" Ice demands. I start crying and I am sure they heard, so I rush into the bathroom. I hear the door open, then someone walks into the room and toward the bathroom door. After a few seconds, they walk back out again. I get in the shower and cry to my heart's content in there. I don't understand what I did to him or what I did wrong.

    When I come out of the bathroom half an hour later, Beast still isn't in our room. I take the bed nearest to the bathroom and lay down. I silently cry myself to sleep.

   When I wake in the morning, Beast is in his bed sleeping like the dead. I quietly get up and get dressed. I sneak out the door and to my sister's room. I knock waking both Hawk and Willow.

   "Do you two want to go get some breakfast sandwiches and coffee for everyone with me?" I ask. My sister can tell something is wrong with me. She taps Hawk's arm and nods. "Yeah. Why don't you wake Ice and Tiny to help too." Hawk replies. I nod and go to knock on their door. They wake up easily and agree to help.

    As we are walking over to the diner Willow taps my arm. "Dè tha ceàrr?" (What's up?) she asks in Gaelic. We learned Gaelic as children. "Bha mi a' smaoineachadh Beast agus rinn mi ceangal ach bha mi ceàrr. Tha e air a bhith gam sheachnadh." (I thought Beast and I connected but I was wrong. He has been avoiding me.) I reply. The guys are looking at us strangely but don't say anything. "Bhon uair?" ( Since when?) she demands angrily. "Dinnear a-raoir. Dh'fheuch e eadhon ri Ice fhaighinn airson seòmraichean atharrachadh còmhla ris." (Dinner last night. He even tried to get Ice to switch rooms with him.) I replied miserably. "Breabaidh mi a thòin!" (I'll kick his ass!) she hiss. "A ghràidh, chan urrainn dhomh. Mar sin cò an asal a tha mi a'breabadh?" (My love, you can't but I can. Who's ass am I kicking?) Dagda asks from behind us startling both of us. Before I can respond Willow does. "Beast, bha e na asal a-raoir. Rinn Poppy coaineadh." (Beast, he was an ass last night. Poppy cried.) Willow hisses out pissed. "Gabhaidh mi cùram dheth." (I will take care of it.) Dagda growls out. I grab Dagda's arm before he runs out, "Chan e gnothach mòr a th'ann. Tha eagal air mun cheangal againn." (It's not a big deal. He is afraid of our connection.) I stumble out quickly. That seems to calm him some. "I will still talk to him," he states calmer. He leaves while we are still getting everything together.

   Willow looks pissed and disappointed. I know she thinks I should have let Dagda kick Beast's ass. I was going to ask her to switch places with me but not now. I am worried about what she would say to him.

   When we exit the diner, Dagda is talking to Beast. At least, he has the decency to look ashamed. I help hand out a few sandwiches and coffees, then decide I don't want any. I just climb in the van and go back to sleep.

BEAST AND HAWK'S FALLEN ANGELS- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now