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Hi I'm Hannah Collins. I'm 17 years old. I have brunette hair, ocean blue eyes. I'm very short for my size which I hate. Starbucks is practically my life, no joke. Im a famous Youtuber and Viner and a Covergirl model. My best friends name is Daniel Skye, but he lives in Miami, Florida. I live in Chino Hills, California. I used to be best friends with these 3 guys named Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, and Carter Reynolds. Now, we are no where near friends. Do you want to know why? Because they bully me. They scare all my friends away. I'm all alone. My dad cheated on my mom when I was younger which lead her to leave him. As for my dad, he was put in jail for raping me. Yeah, long story short, my life hasn't been the easiest growing up. I'm still finding out who I am. So follow my journey through heartbreak, love, and finding the truth.

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now