Chapter 27: Hailey

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• Cameron's POV •

"Hey babygirl. What you cooking?" I wrapped my arms around her small waist. It belonged there.

"Bacon pancakes. Have a seat. It's almost done."

"Ok." I kissed her forehead and returned to the island.

My phone buzzed. I looked down. I had gotten a text from an unknown number... Who is this?

The text read: Hey baby. 😉 Miss me? Meet me at the park on Hilton Drive at 6:30. Come alone.

What the fuck? I deleted the text.

"Ok here you go." Hannah handed be the plates of steaming pancakes.

"Thanks baby." I gently placed a kiss on her cheek.

She sat down across from me and started eating.

"One time, I was at this party that my ex-best friend invited me to, and I was just standing around, then all of a sudden, this guy went up to me and pushed me against the wall and began making out with me. I dumped all the water on him. Then I slapped him." She laughed at the memory.

"Who's your ex best friend?" I asked.

"Her name is Alexa, she was the sweetest and most car-" Hannah was cut off by my buzzing phone.

She gave me a worried look. She didn't think I was cheating did she?

I looked down and it was a text from the same person.

It read: Ignoring me? Come on baby. Come over and we can have a little fun. I know you read the text. Call me sexy.

I rolled my eyes. I texted her back saying "Shut the fuck up. Leave me alone."

"Who's that?" Hannah questioned.

"I don't know. It's just a random person."

"Oh." she looked unsure.

"Here, Hannah if you don't believe me, look at the text." I handed her my phone.

She slowly reached out her hand to grab it. She looked up.

"Oh I'm sorry Cam. I thought you were just...." she trailed off.

"Hannah why would you think I would want to get back together with you if I was cheating? I love you, Hannah. And only you."

She flashed a smile.

"I only love you too, Cameron."

"I don't know who this girl is. She just texted me earlier." I shrugged.

Suddenly my phone rang.

"Let's answer and see who this is."

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey baby." someone answered over the phone.

"Um who is this?"

"It's me, Hailey, Cameron. Your girlfriend."

My eyes widened.

"We're not dating, Hailey. I broke up with you."

"Yes we are. Tell that slut, Hannah to back off you."

"How dare you. She's not a slut. She's the best girlfriend ever. And how did you know about us, Hailey." I demanded through gritted teeth.

"From Magcon. She was there. And she was trying to get all up in your pants." she answer harshly.

I looked at Hannah. Her eyes were watering. Shit. She's super sensitive about this stuff.

"Stop all this nonsense. Leave me the fuck alone, Hailey."

"But baby, you know you only love me. Bye." she ended the call.

I walked over to Hannah.

"I'm sorry Hannah." I apologized.

She shook her head. "No it's fine."

I decided that I would come see her tonight and tell her to leave me and Hannah alone.

- Later That Night -

I drove down to the park. I parked the car and sat on a bench and tweeted some of my fans.

Someone went up to me and sat on my lap, which took me by surprise.

"Well, you decided to show up huh?" Hailey smirked.

"Yeah I came here to tell you to leave me the fuck alone." I snapped.

"Woah, baby. Let's have some fun at my place."

"Hell no, Hailey. You're a fucking slut. You cheated on me and like the whole school. Get the fuck off me." I pushed her off.

At the blink of an eye, she sprayed something on me. I began to feel nauseous. I couldn't control myself anymore.

She took my hand and lead me to her car. She drove somewhere, but i didn't know where. Everything seemed so fuzzy. She parked the car and pulled me into a house.

Hailey then dragged me into a room and locked the doors. I had a weird feeling this was my room.

She pushed me down on the bed and took off my clothes. She told me to take off her clothes as well, and I obeyed. We were both naked. It seemed like everything she told me to do, my body listened to her.

Hailey began to touch me. It felt amazing. I roughly placed my lips on her neck, trailing down. A loud moan escaped her mouth. She flipped me over so that she was on top. She placed sloppy and wet kisses down to my abs.

She told me to get into place and I obeyed.

(You know, the use. I don't wanna get into detail.)


Hope u liked it. It was super awkward for me to write so u better have liked it😂 jk
-xo Jess🙈

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