Chapter 4: Betrayal

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• Cameron's POV •

I couldn't stop thinking of Hannah. Our memories at little kids flushed my mind. She's so beautiful. I can't believe I ever hurt her after I promised I won't ever let anybody hurt her, but the worst part is that somebody is me. I regret everything I've done to her, but I've got to keep my popularity game up. I don't know who to choose, I'm stuck.

----- The Next Morning ------

• Hannah's POV •

'Baby all I want is you, in the middle of the night I've been thinking bout you like'

There goes my alarm. I'm worried about what is going to happen at school today.

'Will Cam turn on me? Will he stick up for me? Will things ever get better?'

These thoughts raced through my head. I decided to roll out of bed and get ready. I did my daily morning routine with the make-up and stuff. I went over to my closet and picked out a white crop top with ruffles on the bottom and floral shorts.

After I slipped on my clothes, I ran down the stairs to greet my mom. She had made pancakes but I said I wasn't hungry. She nodded, but she had a look of disapproval.

I slipped on my black Vans.

" Bye honey have fun! "

" Ok mom I love you."

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug and headed out the door. My hands were sweating because I was really nervous.

---- At School -----

I entered the school a little nervous but I acted confident. I thought the coast was clear until I spotted Carter and Nash and Cam heading my way.

" Hey slut. You missed your daily beating yesterday. Where were you huh?! " yelled Carter.


" Just shut up you little pathetic piece of shit. Your getting it harder today whore. " Nash screamed cutting me off.

Then he slapped me. Harder.

" I hate you. "

The worst part is Cam just stood there not doing anything about it.... just watching.

I ran to the bathroom, hearing them scream " go to hell! Cut yourself deeper! Go die! Nobody cares about you! ".Tears flowing down my cheeks as I looked in the mirror. I looked like a mess. I locked myself in a bathroom stall and pulled out my razor.

Two cuts for Nash

Two cuts for Carter

One cut for my damn life

One cut for me living

Four cuts for Cameron

Blood was dripping from my arm but I couldn't care less. Slowly the stress fades away... stinging my skin. I rolled up some paper towel and dampened it with water and wiped all the blood away. I put my best friend, or my razor back into my purse and grabbed my concealer. After I'm done making myself look normal again, I walked to class. I was late, but I didn't give two fucks.

As I walked into history class my teacher didn't spare any time yelling at me.

" Care to explain where you were young lady? "

"Um ya... this kid told me to go to hell, and I was looking for it, but I guess now I found it. "

" Language young lady. Detention! "

" Whatever "

" Sit! "

" woof "

The class laughed. I gave my teacher a grin and went to sit down. I could feel Cameron staring at me, so I turned around. He smirked at me, leaving me feeling disgusted at him. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the reacher.

------ Drama Class ------

" Ok class go find your partner and discuss your project that will be due next Friday. " our drama teacher says earning groans from everyone.

I glanced at Cameron. I am no longer calling him Cam. He winked at me which sent a chill down my spine. He walked over to me.

" Hey Hannah. "

" Don't fuckin talk to me. "

" I said I'm sorry! Ok? "

" Why didn't you do anything this morning. It hurt me even worse to see you standing there doing nothing than Nash slapping me."

Cameron looked down with a frown forming on his face. He let out a sigh, knowing he made a mistake.

" I didn't mean to ok? I didn't want people to think we're all of a sudden friends again because they will stop talking to me. "

" Wow. You choose popularity over me. Again. And I'm tired of your bullshit ok?! Just leave me the fuck alone Cameron Dallas! " I said raising my voice ,standing up, earning looks from everyone.

I sat back down. Glaring at him. Refusing to talk to him.

" How bout I do the whole project by myself and when we are done with this project, we won't ever have to work together again, I won't have to come to your house to hear your lame excuses, I won't ever have to deal with your bullshit again, ok? "

" But Hannah... I wanna help you. "

" Just shut up Cameron. I don't need your help. Your just a huge dick. I hate you Cameron Dallas. I'm never calling you Cam ever again. "

He looked hurt at my words but I didn't care.

• Cameron's POV •

Those words were like knives stabbed into my heart. They hurt. A Lot. My mistakes are slowly drowning me. I cannot live without seeing Hannah everyday. I just... can't.... Why am I such a dick. I don't even know. I know the decision I'm making is the wrong decision.

" Ok.... fine " I replied.


----- End of Day -----

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