Chapter 13: Date and Confessing

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• Daniels POV •

I woke up early that morning to get ready for the surprise. I'm planning on asking Hannah out on a date, but I want to do it in a special way because Hannah is very special to me. I got everyone to wake up and they agreed to help me.

I went over to a table and wrote Hannah a note saying to meet me at the Harrer Park at 12:45. I stuck in on her nose. She looked so cute sleeping. After that, me and Mahogany, Maggie, and everyone else left to the park. We brought candles and roses. After setting up, we went to get some Starbucks because of Mahogany and Maggie, you know basic white girls. You can't stop them. We sat drinking our Starbucks and waited for Hannah. I set her alarm to wake up at 11:30. We waited. I was so excited. Even Cam agreed to help me. He's a good guy, but still he cheated. He must feel so sorry for loosing Hannah.

• Hannah's POV •

I woke up to a note stuck to my nose. There wasn't a warm arm to hug me. I read the note and it said to meet me at the Harrer Park at 12:00, from Daniel. I looked at the time.

'Shit it's 11:30, I still got time.'

I went to pick out my clothes. I put on black crop top with a red and black flannel tied around my waist. I wore denim jean shorts as well. I was ready, so I penny boarded to the park.

When I got there, Daniel was standing there, with everyone surrounding him. There were candles lit and roses on the floor. I was confused. Daniel walked up to me.

"Hannah, I've known you since forever, and since the day I met you, I knew you were special. You are the bestest friend ever. I could depend on you whenever I needed someone. You were my shoulder to cry on when my heart was broken in pieces. I love you so much Hannah Collins. Will you go on a date with me?"

"Oh my gosh, Daniel. Of course!" I cried.

He pulled me in a hug while I heard cheers and clapping and awws probably from Maggie and Mahogany. We pulled away and he kissed me. After that we went home, a smile never leaving my face.

"The date is at 7:30 tomorrow night. Is that okay?"

"Definitely." I said.

I went to sleep that night with a smile.

- Morning -

I woke up early this morning. I went down to the lobby to get breakfast. I walked over to the stand and I got a sausage with gravy, Froot loops, and an apple. I bit into my apple when I heard someone say

"Hey Hannah. Can I sit here?" I recognized that voice, it was Cameron.

I looked up to meet eyes with the most beautiful hazel eyes ever.

"Uh hey Cam. Sure sit."

"Thanks." he said with a smile.

We ate in an awkward silence.

"Sooo..." Cam said.

"Sooo..." I echoed.

"Wanna hang today?" Cam asked.

"Sure but my date with Daniel is at 7:30 so I got to be there by 6:30."

"Sounds good."

After breakfast we decided to go to the mall.

We shopped for a little and we got hungry. We went to Starbucks. I ordered a Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher and Cam got a s'mores frappe. When our order was called, we ran up to get our drinks and the Barista said "Aww you make such a cute couple."

"Um thanks." we said even though we're not dating.

"Bye kids." she said.

"Thanks bye."

We went to sit down.

"Hannah, after hanging out with you today, I realized how much I missed you. I still have feelings for you. I'm kind of disturbed by you and Daniel going out, but I'm kind of happy as well. I don't know.... I just have mixed feelings about seeing you with someone else because in my heart there will always be a place for you."

I sat staring at not knowing what to say.

"I..Im sorry Cam. I still love you but I also love Daniel. He was there for me when I needed him most. I'll work this out."

He sighed. "Ok."

"Thank you for understanding and giving me time to think." I said kissing his cheek.

We decided to change the subject to something positive. We talked about our careers and stuff. After our day, I went home to get ready for my date. I went back to the hotel, seeing Daniel wasn't in there. I got ready. As I was picking out an outfit in my suitcase, Mahogany and Maggie bursts troughs the doors.

"Omg girl you have a date and you didn't tell us?! LET US HELP PLEASSEEEEE."

"Fine fine." I gave in.

They picked out a white cropped shirt with lace on the rim of it, and a mint colored skirt to compliment the color white. I wore a nude colored necklace to finish off the look. Next I walked over to the bathroom and did my hair. I got out my curling wand, and curled my hair. Then I did my makeup. Right as I was putting away my stuff I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and there stood Daniel in khakis and a t shirt. We walked out with our hands locked. Once we arrived, I saw we were at California Pizza Kitchen. Oh he knows me so well.

We got a seat and sat down. The waitress came and took our order. She was eyeing Daniel up and down which made me a bit jealous. After we ordered he bent down to grab our menus and she showed her boobs. Daniel looked disgusted but obviously she didn't seem to notice.

She later came back with or order and she was still checking Daniel out so he said "Can you please not check me out its annoying."

"But babe" she said.

"I'm not your babe. Why would they hire someone as slutty as you."

She scoffed and walked away.

I laughed and so did Daniel.

We talked about our day. After dinner, Daniel said he was taking me somewhere, but it was a surprise.

"Can you give me a hint?" I asked being the impatient person I am.

"Nope sorry babe." he said.

"Uh fine."

We later arrived at a pond. He opened the limo door for me.

"Why thank you."

"Anything for you."

I felt a blush creep up my neck.

"Come follow me." he said.


"This is where my dad and I used to go to get away from reality." he said.

"Oh. It must be very special to you then."

"Yeah. I will always cherish this place forever."

"You're the first person I brought here because it's very private and personal."

"Oh. Why me?" I asked.

"Because you are special to me."

"Hannah, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. Of course." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wrapped him arms around my waist, closing the gap between us.

A couple minutes later we got in the limo and drove back to the hotel. I changed and took off all my makeup once we got there. I hopped into bed with the thought of who to choose. Daniel or Cam?

- End -

There's so much drama in this story but whatever lol. I'm so tired of school. It sucks butt.

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