Chapter 24: Hawaii

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• Cam's POV •

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I turned to see Hannah sleeping peacefully.

I kissed her lips gently. She started shuffling, then a smile formed on her lips.

"Morning babe."

"Morning." she replied.

"We need to get ready, out flight leaves in an hour." I reminded her.

Hannah nodded. We both got up and went to change.

• Hannah's POV •

I wore a teal colored sweater from Victoria Secret that sad PINK in the back. Since we gonna be on a frickin plane for a couple hours, I wanted to be comfortable. I paired that with black leggings. After slipping on my clothes, I started my normal makeup routine.

I sprayed my hair with some dry shampoo to keep it from being all oily, and also sprayed on some sea salt spray to give my hair some texture and waves.

Satisfied with my look, I walked out.

"You look gorgeous." Cam complimented.

"Thanks, not so bad yourself. By the way, you never mentioned where we were going...."

"Oh Hawaii."


He laughed at my immaturity.

Finally out taxi arrived. We drove to the airport, boarded the plane, and took off he Hawaii.

-2 Hours Later-

I was woken up by a pair of lips on mine.

I opened my eyes to see Cameron.

"We're here, babe."

"EWW THATS NASTY." someone said.

We turned our heads to see a boy about the age of 10 or 11.

"Then look away kid. I love her." Cam said.

"Eww your nasty." he left.

We laughed our butts off.

We got off the plane. Bart had said he was going to send someone from Magcon to come pick us up at the terminal.

We found Nash and Shawn.

"Hey guys I missed you so much," Cam asked.

"Oh my god, I haven't seen you guys in ages!!" I yelled jumping into their arms.

"We've missed you so much too Hannah. But it's only been 2 months." they laughed.

"That's a long time." I corrected them.

"Yeah yeah."

We got in the car and drove off to the hotel.

Once we got there, we were greeted by everyone else.

After reuniting with everyone, Bart told us who we would room with.

"Okay, it's Daniel, Nash, and Hayes. Cam, Hannah and Mahogany."

"WHAT?! I have to watch them kiss and make out all night?!" she interrupted.

We all looked at her.

"What it's true." she said rubbing her neck.

"Fine. You can go with Nash and Hayes. Daniel and Madison will be with Cam and Hannah." Bart replied.

Cam and I looked at each other. I don't think I was comfortable with Daniel and Madison being with us and I'm pretty sure he isn't either. I decided not to speak up because I want to give them a chance.

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now