Chapter 5: Hurt Then Apology

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• Hannah's POV •

As the bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and my penny board and headed out to the ally where I get my beatings. As I arrived Nash, Carter, and Cam were waiting for me.

"Took you long enough fat cow." sneered Nash.

"I...I'm sorry..."


Carter grabbed both of my wrists where I had made the cuts, and they were in pain but I didn't care. Nash came up and punched me in the stomach making me feel sick, he twisted my arm, and kicked me on my knees. Carter then let go and this time Nash held on to me. Carter started doing the same thing as Nash. Cameron then stepped in and punched me square in the face, right in my jawline. Nash then let go of me, letting me fall to the floor. I coughed up some blood and just laid there.

I felt someone lift me up... then....I blacked out.

• Cameron's POV •

I felt so bad for punching her... but if I didn't... Nash and Carter....

I picked Hannah up from the cement, seeing she had coughed up some blood. She had a black eyes and a purple bruise on her jawline from where I punched her. She also had a cut on her lip. A tear slipped out of my eye for seeing this. She is so beautiful even with these scars.

I brought her to my house. As I got there, I picked her up and carried her in my room. I laid her down on my bed, watching her peacefully sleep.

A couple minutes later she woke up all sweaty.

" Where am I?! "

She saw me and started crying.

" Please don't hurt me!! Please!! I'm begging you! "

" Hannah... hannah.. shhh... I'm not going to hurt you. "

I handed her an ice pack.

" Here take this."

"Um thank you..."

"Why did you take me here."

"Because I couldn't leave you there. "

"Oh like you haven't already. "

I felt guilty. Really guilty. She sat there on my bed, pulling her knees up to her chest, rocking back and forth.

" How do you feel Hannah?

" Like you care."

"I do."

"Oh please. You don't give a fuck about me."

She started crying again. I walked to her and she screamed.

" Don't hurt me! "

" I'm not going to. I promise. "

She calmed down a bit. I pulled her into my bare chest.

"Hannah... look... I'm really sorry.... I do realize I need to get my act together. I do. Just please will you forgive me?"

"I don't know Cameron. i don't know."

"Ok. I respect your decision."

Her cries have become softer as she cried into my chest.

I held her cheek lifting her head up so her eyes will meet mine. She looked at me.

"Hannah I want you to know no matter what I will always love you."

She stayed silent. I looked at her plump lips.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

With that, i started leaning in, and so did she. Our lips met and I felt fireworks exploding in my stomach. She pulled away and stared into my eyes. We were both out of breath.

"That was...."


"But I still can't forgive you that easily Cameron."

"I understand." I replied with disappointment.

"Can we still at least be friends?"

"Best friends."

We hugged and it felt like our bodies fit perfectly together.

"Well I gotta get going."

"Ok can we hang tomorrow after school?"

"Uh sure."

Then we walked hand in hand downstairs and when we got to the door, I lifted up her cheek and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Bye Cameron" she blushed.

"Bye Hannah"

"i love you." I whispered as she left on her penny board.

I waved. When she was no longer in my sight, I closed the door. I mean, she just lives next door it's not like very far.

---- End Of Chapter ------

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love u _ jess❤️

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